Many people think having a fake ID is harmless. Fake IDs such as social security, driving license is common in Florida. Possessing such false documents, you can be charged with a third-degree felony which carries typically harsh penalties which in the long run affect an individual’s future. Possession of such crucial documents usually is rampant among teenagers who are under the age of 21 years. They use fake documents when buying alcohol, having a tattoo, booking a hotel room or when entering adult entertainment centers such as strip clubs. After all, they think they do not harm anyone.
Most of the law enforcers will give a warning to first time offenders who use Florida state fake ID to enter clubs. However, if you possess a fake document for financial gain, it is a rip off business. You will be arrested, taken to court and you will be charged even if you have not made any alterations. According to statistics from the FBI, there are nearly 100,000 motor vehicle thefts in the state of Florida. The National Bureau reports also state that rental cars theft, in particular, has been on the rise for the past 5years.
This shows that not only teenagers use fake IDs, but also the adults use them to rent cars. After renting the cars with counterfeit documents, thieves dismantle them and sell parts to buyers and auto repair shops since usually; the entire vehicle is hard to sell. The thieves also use the vehicles to commit other crimes before they dissembling it. Since some rental car companies are slow to trace fake IDs and the lost cars, some fraudsters are in a position to rent more than one vehicle from different companies within the same region without being noticed.
In 2015, the state of Florida reported that auto theft went up by 17%. This is due to the availability of rental cars. Some rental car companies are big targets because they have new and latest models of vehicles. The authorities have admitted having a problem breaking up the crime rings since the thieves are using fake and some stolen IDs to rent the cars. They also state that the easiest way for them to capture the criminals is when they are in the middle of committing the crime.
Car rental companies can prevent theft by being vigilant on IDs to make it harder for the criminals with fake documents. Also, other business premises were not left out. They were cautioned to be more alert since they are also the target. Because of rampant fake ID’s in the state of Florida, businesses have become alert and know how to spot counterfeit documents. Although they are becoming hard to identify, here are some of the ways how documents can be determined.

Know what you are looking for
Each state has features which differentiate them with those of other states. Therefore, you should learn the security features used in cards in the state of Florida and also for the surrounding states. Coincidentally, there is plenty of information an individual can get if he or she has no clue at all of such features. The state of Florida has typically published reference on authenticated IDs.
If a business owner has one of the documents presented by fraudsters, he or she can make a comparison. You can check how similar they are. Especially the thickness, the size, coloring, the lettering and whether the corners are the same. A fake ID may lack one or two of these features.
Use of a magnifying glass
All states use microprint as a security feature. It looks like a straight line. When magnified, you can see the words.
Use of ultraviolet lights
Depending on your state, certain security features will show up under the ultraviolet rays. In California for instance, you can see a lighter image of a cardholder under the UV light.
Feeling the card
The sense of touch can pick up on some many signs of fraud. Some legitimate IDs may be tempered with, and you may identify through touch. For instance, the edges of the ID should be smooth. The card should also bend with ease.
Use of barcode
Scanning the document by use of the barcode pops up the information of the card. Most forgers cannot encode the information since it is too expensive. If the information has been encrypted it should match the information on the front of the card.
Use of light
Tilting the card in the light reveals typically certain features that are only visible from certain angles. For instance, you check for an image overlay by tilting the card.
Misspellings on the card
You can spot card has misspellings. Any ID with a misspell abbreviation, for instance, is not authentic.
Other features you can identify the authenticity of the card is by studying the cardholder.
Signs of anxiety
The holder if anxious and avoids eye contact, be suspicious. This may be the first time they are committing the fraud. And also they might be nervous for fear of being caught.
Comparison of the physical features
Height, age, eye color, weight, and photo are some of the features you should take into consideration. The cardholder should match the descriptions on the card.
Signatures comparison
If the holder is signing something, compare the signatures. If they don’t match then, the ID might be not original. If the signatures are almost the same, but you can tell that it is not by the same person, you should consider examining the ID and the owner.
Interrogating the cardholder
Ask the cardholder some questions about the information as it appears such as date of birth. If they do not match. then it might not be original.
As technology changes, licenses are becoming easier to forge. The forged documents are becoming more and more accurate; therefore, an individual should be extra careful when verifying them. The state should also add more security features to these crucial documents.