I get a lot of calls from clients that make claim that their home is haunted and the home in Browns Valley is no exception. On my paranormal hotline I received several calls that the Manlove Mansion in Sacramento is haunted. With so many calls about the Manlove Mansion, I had to check things out. Looking at the home, it looks haunted and that is probably why there are rumors of it being haunted. Walking around outside of the home, I attempted many EVP sessions and obtained no EVPs. If the place is haunted, I usually can get EVPs within the first 30 minutes. I never entered this home, but there was no need to, ghosts hang out inside a home and outside of a home. If there was ghosts there, I would have gotten some kind of EVP evidence. Today is a strange day, received a call from Michael Robinson from Fat Pig Productions in Shreveport, Louisiana. Michael tells me that Fat Pig Productions promotes local rappers.

Michael claims he was walking down a sidewalk in downtown Louisiana and saw a man that looked like Danny Harold Rolling aka the Gainesville Ripper. Michael says that he knows exactly what Danny Rolling looks like, because he kept up with the case, since Danny Rolling was born in Shreveport. As the man that looked like Danny Rolling walked towards him, he noticed that this man had a 1000 yard stare, as if he did not see Michael. Michael then noticed that this man started walking faster towards him and as he got close their shoulders would connect and the man’s shoulder had no substance and went right through Michael’s body. Michael freaked out and wondered what just happened, when he looked back, the man was gone. Michael believes that this was truly the Gainesville Ripper and wants an investigation of the street in which he saw this apparition. I got Michael in touch with a few groups in Louisiana to assist him with his strange sighting. Now that I received this strange paranormal hotline call, I am more than enthusiastic to investigate the home in Browns Valley. SPECIAL NOTE: WRITTEN IN REAL TIME.
INITIAL REPORT:OPEN INVESTIGATION: Date to be there: February 9, 2019 Saturday. Time to be there: 2pm: xxxxxx (occupant) is being harassed by 2 entities that constantly touch her. It is so upsetting to her, that she started crying over the phone. Address to be at: Browns Valley, CA.
Okay, HPI Investigators, if you didn’t go to the investigation, you didn’t miss anything. No EVPs were captured. This turned out to be a confidential investigation. Deanna Jaxine Stinson was right on the mark on her walk through. She picked up the energy of a dark haired male in the bedroom. Deanna thought he looked Italian. Come to find out the occupant says that her father had dark hair and was Italian. Deanna could not estimate his height, so the occupant says that Deanna didn’t get her reading right. Huh? Just because Deanna couldn’t estimate his height? For all we know he was floating in the air. Last night, Deanna and I, were walking our dogs Hi-Pee and Hannah near and around Jaime’s Cafe at Laguna West in Elk Grove and Deanna picks up on a little boy ghost near the water fountain. I snap a picture and exactly where Deanna was pointing was a large designer orb. Back to the Browns Valley Investigation. Occupant says she was psychically attacked. Occupant felt something was attached to her, connected to her spine. The occupant says ever since she had the attachment, she has been seeing a doctor and has gained many medical bills. Occupant claims she has seen light beings, UFOs, flying orbs and been flashed in the face with a yellow light. Occupant believes the demonic attachment started when she received an email and a phone call from someone she was communicating online with, in regard to UFOs. Occupant’s husband and children believe its all in her imagination. In fact her husband didn’t even want us at their home. But, to appease his wife, he allowed it.

Occupant claims on one particular night she saw a Torus Field in the sky above her house. The Torus Field was in the shape of a doughnut. The occupant started crying as she described being raped by an incubus and a smelly small demon went inside her body. Deanna picked up on the energy of a red haired girl in the house and the occupant acted like she didn’t know what Deanna was talking about. Then out came the occupant’s daughter and guess what? Her daughter has red hair. Now I am telling you that Deanna is picking up the energy of living people in the house and of recent relatives that are now deceased. By saying Deanna is picking up the energy, does not mean that there are ghosts in the house. Deanna being a psychic medium is merely picking up the energy deposits of the living and the dead. NO EVPS were captured in this home. Deanna describes the occupant’s mother to a tee. She picks up on the deceased mother’s energy in a bedroom and come to find out the mother’s urn is in the bedroom. Deanna had no idea the urn was there. Deanna says the mother has light hair and the occupant thought Deanna said she had white hair and did not give Deanna the credit of picking up on the mother’s energy. As we talked with the occupant, it almost seemed like she was having fantasies of sexual encounters with the incubus, a fallen angel and ETs who enjoy touching her all over. This investigation just became weird. Deanna explained to the occupant about the Crown Top of the Head which affects your upper skull and cerebral cortex. The occupant described having these ailments and Deanna went into detail with the occupant about her chakra. Also, Deanna explained to her about the solar plexus – between the naval and base of the sternum that was affecting her pancreas. The occupant wanted a blessing of the home, but was too scared that she would be ridiculed by her husband and children. I told her how to self bless her home and that if she felt like she had an attachment to get a full submersion baptism (a basic form of exorcism) to get rid of the attachment. She agrees and says that she will do this.
What really blew my mind is how Deanna was right on the mark in describing the occupant’s living and deceased family members and the occupant wanted something else. The occupant seemed to enjoy talking about her sexual fantasies with a possible fallen angel and seemed to enthusiastic to tell us more details. Deanna looks at me and I look at Deanna….time to go. Case closed. My thoughts. One word: Delusional. Deanna says…an energy block.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help
Email: [email protected]