Date to be there: September 21, 2019 / Time to be there: 3pm. Contact Person: Arietta . Address: Penryn, CA – Occupants have lived in this home for 43 years. On one particular day, Arietta’s husband saw a piece of cloth protruding from the ground, he yanked on the cloth and attached to the cloth was a human bone, they also found women shoes. They believe the bone and shoes belonged to a Japanese woman that was working at the Griffith Rock Quarry nearby. They did not dispose of the bone properly and have paranormal activity in the home. The activity is not bad and basically they just want us to validate the activity. They also have nature spirits outside and want us to investigate that too. Arietta says that the spirits in her home are helpful. Big Al got us this case. Thank you Big Al.

The Briefing:
Ariatta tells us that she once saw a Sand Fairy on her property and the fairy flew through the trees and kept at treetop level. Deanna picked up on all type of spirit activity on the property. We really didn’t get much evidence. When Arriata started pounding on some drums, we captured a male voice EVP that spoke the Miwok language according to Alaceo “Big Al” Rosatano. Arriata says that when she pounds the drums, it enhances the spirit activity on her property. She was correct, it worked, because that was our one and only EVP today. There were no photographic anomalies. Casey brought her drone and flew it at tree top level and found no fairies. We got some cool words that seem like intelligent responses on the Ghost Radar, words like “Halo” as if an entity was talking about our team. Certain areas of this property we got some spikes on the EMF Reader. Deanna did a psychic walk about on the property and said she saw a ghostly white deer and she felt there was a little creature that likes to hang out under the bridge on the property, a sort of troll type of creature. We found no evidence of Deanna’s psychic impressions. Deanna picked up on a possible portal on the property and Ariatta mentioned she felt that there was a wormhole on the property. Ariatta says she has walked through the wormhole and felt like she was in another reality or even stepped into a past time period.
Since we weren’t getting a lot of activity, we decided to quit investigating at 6pm. Thank you Arriata for the homemade berry pie, coffee and vanilla ice cream. After the investigation, we gave Mike Ouilhon a ride to his home in Rocklin. Interesting Note: Deanna when she was a young girl lived in Penryn and Penryn is the place where she was abducted by extraterrestrials. Arriata says there is a lot of UFO activity in Penryn and she has seen it. Also noted is that fairies are associated with UFO phenomena.
August 31, 2019, Saturday / Time to be there: 2pm. Contact Person: Dang. Dang believes he has a demonic attachment. The entity has attacked him, pushed him, tried to stop him from eating. The entity is very negative, needs investigation, cleansing of home and cleansing of mind, body and soul. Address to be at: Sacramento, CA / Special Note: On 8/30/2019 Friday we had another case in Antelope, CA and the family canceled on us, at the last minute – one investigator showed up Randall Johnson, fortunately I was able to get a hold of the other investigators before they showed up only to face a cancellation. The good news is the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures crew will investigate this home that is plagued by a demon and I am curious on what they will discover. Case Number B925C404ZL9867. Subcase U9164Y599166. The initial report on this cancellation: Date to be there: 8/30/2019 Friday, Time to be there: 9pm. Contact Person: Leila / Address to be at: Antelope, CA / Activity: Investigators, this may be an all nighter. Extreme demonic activity. Leila is being choked, bruises left on her neck, hand prints on her body and at times it feels like a large panther is attacking her. She says the activity happens at 3am and that she guarantees that we will witness the entity if we are there at 3am. She needs help and she needs it bad.
HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call:Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner / Psychic Medium; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Justin Mather; Christina Vonacek; Pelenta Forrest; Randall Johnson; Keith Wise; Dez aka Destiny.
This is one of the worst demon cases I have ever seen. Dang shows us the scar tissue on his neck. He has 3 distinct scars from slices to his neck. The demon tells Dang to cut his throat repeatedly. This demon wants Dang to lose his life, to commit suicide. Dang submits to the demon and takes a large kitchen knife and slices his throat 3 times, there is blood everywhere and Dang is taken to the emergency room by his parents. Dang came close to losing his life. The demon constantly talks to Dang and tells him to use drugs, to smoke, to drink. The demon tells Dang to kill himself over and over again. The demon is constantly whispering in Dang’s ears. The demon wants Dang to hurt other people.

Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium Says:“In the front room, I could sense a male spirit there. In my mind I saw him as in his seventies, wearing red plaid and jeans. In the kitchen I saw a very tall pale Victorian woman wearing a puffy white dress with floral print of blue flowers and green vines. She also wore one of those fancy hats that pops up real tall with white lace everywhere. When I was in the kitchen another time, a very tall rugged man came up to me, standing stern and strict next to me to intimidate me. He was wearing a black trench coat and black cowboy hat with similar boots. Before the father came into the room, I saw a spirit that looked like him, like a brother or ancestor speeding fast in front of him. I sensed esoteric parasites there as well with the client mentioning at night he sees various inter-dimensional creatures and has vivid nightmares and feels tickling everywhere. I could hear how drained he sounded with his voice being a low energy and a heaviness there as well. I recommend he sleep with water by the bed and change in the morning, to release negativity from his sleep. I also saw a gray cat with green eyes at the front door, which had a protective energy.
After hearing his stories & assessing the situation, I came to the conclusion that this was a blockage of throat chakra energy that the entities were feeding on and the cutting was to release the stagnant stuff there. This is because he said that he loves music and they don’t allow him to make it, but I know he wants to because there was music instruments and a goal on a whiteboard calendar that says “make 10 albums.” This is an act of repressed expression. The client also said that he was going to college to study computer science which is technology, which is also energetically entwined with communicating when the demons intervened and caused anxieties, depressions and his ultimate giving up and dropping out from the school. After the baptism, the client was burping as well from the release as we helped to cleanse this area and Paul poured extra water there. He has abilities to channel entities through this area and often starts speaking as he is processing them. He has really great gifts in communication and so that’s why I feel the darkness was destroying him this way, to prevent the power he has.” END OF DEANNA’S COMMENTS.
EVIDENCE:We captured one EVP that says “yes”, when asking the entity if he was there. The client Dang also channels the entity and allows the entity to talk through him. Dang became somewhat comical as the entity says through him….”Hi, I am here, right here!” Dang explains to the team that on one particular night the entity kept tickling him all through the night. Dang was being tortured via tickling. When I gave Dang a full submersion baptism in his bath, I heard growling coming from his throat, and then I heard him burping as if the entity was trying to leave his body. Deanna conducted a metaphysical blessing of the home and I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing. With the spirit boxes that the team had, we had intelligent responses back. I pray that Dang’s demons and ghosts will depart from his life and that he can live a life of normalcy. His haunting started in 2014 and the demon in this house has tried to smother him, hit him, slap him and tried to stop him from eating and drinking. I hope this nightmare is gone, I hope our cleansing and baptism helped.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson & Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detectives
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help