September 20, 2019 Friday / Time to be there: 9pm. Contact Person: Heather. Her son 9 years old is being followed by a little boy ghost (imaginary friend) named Kalep, they see Kalep’s shadow in the house. Things get moved around, footsteps heard, people touched. This has been going on for 4 years. Address to be at: Sacramento, CA.
HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call:
Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner & Psychic Medium; Pelenta Forrest; Randall Johnson; Casey Samure (Guest); Keith Wise; Dez Shyann; Sue Spaulding (Guest). Occupant: Heather.

Lights sometime flicker off and on. Heather’s son once got yanked out of bed, the entity grabbed his left foot. Heather once had a burn mark on her leg, caused by the entity. Heather’s father had various marks and scratches on his body from the entity. Heather believes her 9 year old son may have an attachment. I suggested that her son get a full submersion baptism (a basic form of exorcism) and Heather promised me that she would have her son baptized. Shadow figures are seen in the house. Heather says that they lived in the house for 3 years. One time the entity threw a box at a person named Bella in their other home. Perhaps that entity followed them to this house?
There was 3 set of investigations. Team Jade & Emerald consisted of Randy, Keith and Dez. Team Honest Busters consisted of Pelenta, Sue and Casey. One team would cover the outside and the parked non-functioning ambulance. The other team would investigate the interior of the house. Ghost hunting equipment was shutting down, batteries drained. Two investigators had to step outside. Randall felt a chocking sensation around his neck. Dez felt a tightening and then felt nauseated. Casey took Dez outside. Deanna did a walk through and saw a hooded figure. Come to find out Heather’s father confirmed the hooded figure entity. Deanna also picked up on a fountain and Heather said there was once a broken fountain in the python’s terrarium and there was a book in the boy’s room that featured a fountain. Keith got a headache during the investigation, I don’t know if that had anything to do with the paranormal, but thought I would go ahead and note it, since Dez and Randy got ill during this investigation. We captured 3 EVPs. One EVP sounded like a little boy and Pelenta captured that inside the ambulance, maybe that was Kaleb? Another EVP was captured in the ambulance and it sounded like either “get a grip” or some investigators said it was saying “I am here”. See video on that EVP and you be the judge. Casey captured an EVP in the man cave that said either “Tom” or “Paul”. In the man cave there were many African figurines, African ritual masks, antique piano, a lamp made of 30 dead bodies from WWII; a mini Nazi flag from WWII. These are items from what I believe was their grandfather who served in WWII. Dez captured a creepy crawling orb that was going up the wall of the ambulance. Dez captured it on video. Many orbs were captured on film, but I was not able to prove that these orbs had intelligent movement.
Special Note: On Pelenta’s Kinnect – she mapped out a tall entity standing by the bedroom door and then later captured a small entity hanging out in the bedroom.
Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing with the help of Pelenta and Randy holding candles. I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Casey blessed the investigators outside. Deanna left Heather with candles, smudging wand, holy water, etc.
The Brenda Paranormal Dilemma
Videos of the Investigation:
Date to be there: September 13, 2019 Friday/ Time to be there 8pm: Contact Person: Brenda / Case # U916P586H5229. Address to be at: B19P33 Benita Drive, Unit 3, Rancho Cordova, CA – Activity: Demonic. Another group went in her home to conduct a cleansing and they made a mess out of things and now the activity is worse.
HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call:
Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Pelenta Forrest.
Interview with Brenda:

She moved into this home in 1978. She feels ghostly people bumping into her, she hears these ghosts talking. Sometimes her oven turns on by itself. She feels strong negativity in the house. She has many roommates and there are household items all over the house. Brenda feels anxiety all the time. Another group did a cleansing and they were unsuccessful. Brenda also feels that there is a good spirit here and that is her deceased grandmother. Pelenta saw orbs moving about in her night vision goggles. The orbs can possibly just be dust, we could not prove that it had any intelligent movement. Pelenta said she felt an entity grab her arm. She felt that the entity could have been male. Pelenta also felt a finger tap on top of her head.
Investigation Results.
No EVPs. No anomalies in our photographs. Pelenta captured nothing on her Kinnect. Pelenta’s ghost radar shut down, but she had the words: distant, spider, asleep. The only thing unusual about this is Deanna was composing a song called Jupiter Interlude today and Pelenta watched a movie called Jupiter Ascending. We captured on the spirit box, the words: Spirits Contained.
I feel that this home has residual negative energy and there are signs of violence in this house. In one room there was an overwhelming negative atmosphere and Deanna picked up on a were-hyena which in mystical terms means: “release toxic feelings”, “balancing anger” and “having gratitude”.
I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing and Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of the house with the help of Pelenta.
Name: Timothy Green Beckley’s Area 51: Warning Keep Out!
Publisher: Inner/Light Global
Author: Timothy Green Beckley’s and Contributors
Overviewed by: Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective /

Comments: Timothy discusses on the time he visited Area 51 in his article “The Sun Never Sets on Area 51”. Timothy gives his true accounts on his travels to Area 51, there are some comical moments that had me laughing hysterically. Timothy describes his adventure with such detail, I felt like I was sitting in the passenger seat, but fortunately for Timothy, his friends Helen and Page were there to keep Timothy company! Wait until you see the pictures in this book! Timothy outdid himself with the stories and photos. In this thrilling book, you get the scoop on Robert Lazar, the controversial Area 51 whistle blower. Did you want to know more about that famous bar in Rachel, Nevada? You know the Little A’Le’Inn that was shown in the movie “Paul”? Yes, you get the intel in this book. I will tell you, I will never forget the A’Le’Inn, it’s a truly memorable place. Tim R. Swartz discusses Area 51, the worst kept secret around, the cold war and its connection to Area 51 and the black budget aircraft that are kept at this secret base. Tim R. Swartz lets the reader know what Bob Lazar thinks about storming Area 51. I will let you know that Bob Lazar does not entertain the idea. Joshua P. Warren discusses on how Bob Lazar worked on an exotic machine, the size of a basketball. This machine had a force field around it. Joshua talks in detail of his encounter with Lazar. A very interesting piece. What happens when a person goes past the warning signs at Area 51? Alejandro Rojas will tell you. There is a nice photo showing trespassers being detained at Area 51. This is truly a book that is hard to put down. When I got this book the other day, my wife saw my enthusiasm in reading everything in this book and had to tell me….”Paul, slow down, take a breather!” There is so much information to absorb from this book, you will find yourself having the same problem in trying to put the book down. Let me give you some teasers, you get information on John Lear, MJ 12, the alien treaty. You will learn how the Air Force illegally closed 89,600 acres of public land around the Groom Mountain Range, so snoopers can’t get a glimpse of the base. There is much to be learned from this book. Did you know that Lazar thought it was a crime against people and the scientific community, in not telling them that we made contact with aliens? While going through this book, there is a superb picture of a possible underground facility located at Area 51. Sean Castell talks about one of the most controversial whistle blowers known. This whistle blower was known as Commander X. He talks about how Commander X discussed the Government’s Teleportation Program and was Tim Keith’s other persona Commander X? Hmmmm? It just makes you wonder. If I told you everything that is in this book, I would be writing a book to describe all of the incredible Area 51 knowledge contained in this magnificent book! So let’s cut through the chase and get more of a glimpse of what you will find in this literary masterpiece: What was Aerospace role with ARVs (Alien Replicated Vehicles)? What did Gary McKinnon, world renowned hacker learn about the Secret Space Program? In this book, you get a graphic reproduction photo of the UFO crash in Argentina. Learn about DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases). Find out what Brad & Sherry Steiger say about the Frankenstein factories at Dulce. Are aliens conducting genetic experiments at Dulce? Learn more about Hanger 18 and Wright Patterson AFB. Is Los Alamos and Dulce connected by a secret tunnel system? Area 51: Warning Keep Out! is like a blockbuster movie unfolding in my hands! Superb book, a hit for conspiracy fans, UFO enthusiasts and people who are just curious on what is behind the fence at Area 51!
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help