1. The Cemetery
There is a significant amount of opinion on this one due to the nature of study. This is probably the most literal you can get to finding the dead than any other place there is. The question of respect remains as a silent given, as in do not take or remove property, damage headstones, or anything that would be considered irrevocably bad. There are ways if you really want an easy way to see a ghost to go about it! You can say their name with honor, read the headstone and express kindness and my team has gotten e.v.p.s this way with the spirit saying thanks. However, when I was a teenager, me and some friends went into a cemetery during both day and night to search for ghosts and try to contact the spirit world by using a Ouija board. The energy was very chaotic and when I got home I immediately went to bed and then awoke to a feeling like a child was jumping on the bed that I was sleeping in. I looked over and there was imprints like feet size going in the same motion as if a person was there. When I realized, I left my room in terror and ran up the stairs with the child’s spirit still there, attached. It must have taken a liking to the fun I was having and thought we could continue. Also, in my family, I am named after my dad’s sister Deanna who committed suicide at 16 due to bullying about her condition in which she had seizures, so she took all of her medicine and then my dad, as a boy came into her room the next morning, jumped up and down on the bed, but she was dead and would not wake up. This could be a demonic connection or a totally unrelated event, either case- be very careful in cemeteries.

2. On A Ghost Tour
With experienced ghost hunters and storytellers to aid, they oftentimes stir up spirits by telling their stories. It is like the superstition, “Speak of the Devil,” in which you say a person’s name and their ear starts itching, or they suddenly walk into the room. As a psychic medium, I have noticed some spirits take great joy in the renditions and also join in with the group to meddle. With so many eyes focused on the history teller, they like to surprise people by walking around behind everyone. Perhaps you may also catch the glimpse of a paranormal time traveler, whose soul purpose is to give paranormal tours throughout many times and dimensions from Earth and beyond. Hearing renditions of tales spoken the way they were meant to is very valuable to spirits who used to be performers or storytellers.
3. Private Houses
There’s nothing more spooky than staying the night over at someone’s house when you suddenly discover that you are not alone. Perhaps they didn’t want it to be awkward, so they relayed the information to you before you tried to get comfortable of their ghosts. Personal stories, experiences and emotions are all woven in with the supernatural creatures who dwell with the same family of people for generations, or those who belong to certain houses and land to which they were dedicated. Old guardians, protectors and familiars exist here eternal by those witches who summoned them from the abyss of solitude. You can find quite a collection in these places.

4. The Wilderness
Where there is quiet, there is peace and that is what a lot of spirits are drawn to. In much of a similar fashion, the people you know in life who adore being outdoors at any cost might gravitate towards those same places in the afterlife. It may be someone who had a busy life and now finds sanctuary in the natural beauty of Earth. Whatever the case may be, the wilderness is home to many ancient and beautiful creatures. You may find free spirits, native energy and elemental is abundant here. More than likely you will definitely be able to capture a great photograph.
5. Landmarks & Historic Places
That is because they inspire people both living and dead to do great things and confess great feelings in these places. Be it from a proposal at the Eiffel tower, to a dreary tree someone choose to hang themselves on in a display of loneliness and desperation or a great banquet hall that communities celebrated in for frequent joyous occasions, these are some of the places where you will be sure to find similar spirits with the same emotion as the landscape. There may be reenactments performed, helping the spirits to trigger and project the past into the present and bring us with them or people constantly bringing up the same type of memories many others experienced as well there. Blame it on one of the many dimensions where time has ceased to exist and be brought back to years you never knew could be recorded in spirit as well as books.
6. Abandoned Spaces
O.k. so the number one thing here to remember is that this is one of the most dangerous locations to choose because of the lack of control or authority here. Many demons rule over the Hells in which is won the right to exist by aggressive or unhallowed means. This translates to a build-up of negative energy which attracts dark forces such as criminals and devilish activities. People who are down on their luck may gather here as well as the only sanctuary they know is chaos. There are probably many barriers here which will not allow you to leave once they tear you down to this level. Be careful of sharp objects, such as rusty nails, dirty boards, parasites, wild animals, drug users or anything really as no one owns these places except the streets and other feral forces.
7. Dark Areas
Wherever you can get to that is really dark I highly recommend. This is because when your sight goes out, your other senses will be heightened and you will experience the paranormal in a very intense way. Besides trying to process, you will be living in the moment, on the edge of fear so much so that it will release chemicals in your brain and adrenaline to keep you going and trigger that primal instinct you were given before all the cultural and human conditioning we experience growing up in the “Real World.” Also, anything that is glowing in the sky or Earth will be easier to spot in dark places and your hearing will be amplified.
8. Your Dreams
Literally in your dreams is a whole haunted world that you are already co-existing in spiritually as well as the third dimensional world as we know it. If you practice good lucid dreaming techniques, you can open up whole new worlds, spaces, places and time that you could have never imagined existed before. Not only that, but you will be inspired in the waking world by what you saw and you may express it in such a way that you can bring spirits to life. This could be in the form of writing, painting, speaking and so much more. Some spirits will crossover from astral realms back into ours and try to takeover objects or people once they have spotted you, so be sure to summon angels for protection and guidance from evil.

9. Scenes of Violence
On t.v., in real life or anywhere that someone has expressed great amounts of anger, sorrow and violence can curse all that is around it. When the blood spills, it makes it particularly hard to ignore. It’s almost like tearing apart the fabric of space time itself through this shocking leverage of energy. Emotional people are literally freezing time with their tears as well, if only for a moment, to record the data in so many ways. This can be in the form of radiation, poison, contaminated waters, infertile lands or people. So, be extra cautious of the environment in these situations.
10. Famous Locations
Be it where a t.v. show filmed and immortalized the situations, or where a celebrity had a great moment. Maybe it is where a horror movie was made or a haunted location glorified through the silver screen, anywhere it was made possible to be known and cared for by the masses creates great places to investigate. Energy lingers here always and so there is something to be said for going and experiencing this for yourself- which you first saw through the lens of another. There is allure, provocation and a feeling of glamour, all of which illicit visits from fans, both ethereal and magick to view and psychically touch spaces where the presence of someone they admired was felt. Perhaps we will be struck with the same luck and charm as they were!
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help