Hi everyone!
They say plagiarism is another form of flattery. I am the original person who wrote this article – The Ten Most Haunted Places in Sacramento, CA. This was originally on the website Haunted America Tours and the owner of the website was upset, because I share my articles with other websites. He wanted this article exclusively for his own website. Before I knew it, many people were taking this article and basically keeping the information I wrote and adding in a few things to make the article a slight bit different from the original. If you would like to see the original article that I wrote…then read on!
1. The Record Store on K Street Mall Briefing: An old woman in Victorian clothing appears to patrons and
disappears. She is known to go up to a noisy patron and told him to keep the noise down. It is rumored she haunts the basement.
2. Old Sacramento Tunnels
Briefing: Old Sacramento was rebuilt over the original town. There are tunnels and a hidden town underneath, buried because of the rising waters of the Sacramento River.
3. California State Library
Briefing: It is rumored that some sections of the California State Library are haunted in what is called the California Section. In the California Section, there has been seen an old man with glasses looking over old books. It is also said that there is a tunnel that goes from the California State Library to the Capitol and those tunnels might be haunted.

4. Pocket Area Homes
Briefing: These new homes were built over a Portuguese cemetery. Residents have complained that they have seen spirits in their new homes.
5. Richard Trenton Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento Victim’s Homes
Briefing: Richard Trenton Chase also known as The Vampire of Sacramento committed some grisly murders in Sacramento. He was a serial killer that dabbled in drinking the blood of his victims and cannibalism. As a child he mutilated animals. It appears that at some of his victim’s homes, there may be some residual hauntings, the reenactment of murder plays
over and over again. (Special Note: Because of my article on Richard Trenton Chase’s victims homes, I was contacted by a documentary crew for the British TV Show: Conversations with a Serial Killer, I was featured in this documentary.)
6. Paradise Beach
Briefing: A man is sometimes seen walking the beach, he seems depressed. It is said that this man was a drowning victim.

7. A House on Parkshore Circle – Greenhaven
Briefing: The people that lived in this house had a white rabbit. Joggers, dog walkers going past the house in Seymour Park see a white rabbit in the front lawn playing and as they watch, the white rabbit dissipates into thin air.
8. Sacramento River – Greenhaven Area – Gloria Drive
Briefing: Late at night as you walk down the embankment of the Sacramento River, you can see a campfire going. As you approach the campfire, the campfire disappears. It is rumored that a transient drowned in this area and the campfire you see is the campfire he would make on his cold nights camping along the river.
9. Freeway exit to San Francisco off W Street
Briefing: In the 70s a woman was hitchhiking off this exit and she was murdered. Her murder was never solved. Some people say that ever once in a while, they see a ghostly image of a woman hitchhiking in the same area at night.
10. A House in Antelope
Briefing: This 1998 house was built on a Japanese Internment Camp of WWII. The occupants of the house, an Asian family claim they see a woman without a head that scares their 6 children that reside in that house. They also see a ghostly figure of a man in white t-shirt and white shorts. There is piano music that plays that can be heard from a distance.