On Facebook, I have befriended many ghost hunting groups. One of those groups, now defunct is N.M.L.S.C. (New Mexico Longhorn Spectre Chasers). Toothless Tom, (Special Note: Toothless Tom received this nickname, because he is missing 3 top teeth) the leader of this group has been in contact with me for almost 10 years. His group has investigated Billy the Kid’s Grave (Special Note: I also have investigated Billy the Kid’s Grave and I did not obtain any paranormal evidence that Billy is still around); Roswell and the following places:
The Lodge Resort & Spa: A ghost named Rebecca, a strikingly beautiful chambermaid with red hair, was murdered when her jealous-stricken lumberjack suitor found her in the arms of another man. Today, The Lodge’s friendly mischievous ghost has been said to wander the halls. She is known to move furniture, flicking the lights off and on and spontaneously igniting fires in fireplaces. Some believe Rebecca is searching for a new lover or friend who would appreciate her playful nature.
Dawson Cemetery: In 1913, an explosion at the mine killed more than 250 men, making it one of the worst coal mining disasters in American history. Another disaster took the lives of 123 miners in 1923, and now all that remains of the town is a cemetery. It’s got a reputation as one of the most haunted places in New Mexico, and for good reason. Visitors who are brave enough to explore the cemetery at night have reported back with strange findings. Some have seen lights, reminiscent of those on the front of mining helmets, and some have even seen ghostly apparitions wandering among the headstones.

Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico and the whole town of Las Vegas: The Plaza Hotel, built in 1882, has an illustrious history with a dash of the paranormal. It’s said to be haunted by the ghost of its past owner named Byron T. Wells. The hotel’s restaurant and bar is even named after him. If you’re feeling especially brave, stay in Room 310. It was Byron’s office, and to this day, hotel guests sometimes claim to feel his presence.
Toothless Tom tells me when his group was going strong, they had a powerful psychic on the team named Julie. Julie had 3 reoccurring dreams in which she saw a cowboy on a horse being chased down by a group of yelling and screaming cowboys. Julie channeled the cowboy that was run out of town by the rowdy cowboys and his name was Frank M. Canton. Channeling into Frank, she discovers that he was paid a sum of money to hunt down Hoodoo Brown aka Hyman G. Neil of Las Vegas, New Mexico. The rowdy cowboys that ran Frank out of town was no other than the Dodge City Gang whose leader was Hoodoo Brown. Julie did some researching and discovered that Frank M. Canton was once a sheriff for Johnson County, Wyoming and he was paid to go after Hoodoo Brown to collect a large gambling debt for his client. More research indicated that the Dodge City Gang was active in Las Vegas, New Mexico from 1879 to 1880.
Julie discovered why she was having those reoccurring dreams, because when she channeled Frank M. Canton she discovers that Frank is tormented by his encounter of the Dodge City Gang and that he eluded the gang, only for the gang to come upon another cowboy and thinking it was Frank, they tortured him and lynched him. Frank was able to observe the deadly encounter from his hideaway spot. Frank never told this story to anyone while he was alive and now that he is in the spiritual realm, it still haunts him and he cannot find peace. An innocent man died in his behalf.

Toothless Tom and his team of ghost hunters went to the town of Las Vegas, New Mexico and investigated the Plaza Hotel first and then went through the whole town to see what paranormal activity was still active in this town. Some of the EVPs that New Mexico Longhorn Spectre Chasers picked up on were “go fetch!”; “pretty gal” and a deep male voice laughing and saying “Hoodoo Voodoo”. Other EVPs were unintelligible. They captured a lot of orb activity in their photos and 2 of their investigators claim that late at night they saw 2 ghostly cowboys riding on their ghostly horses. The ghostly cowboys were looking around and finally vanished in front of their eyes.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help