Date to be there: February 8, 2020, Saturday – Time to be there: 1600 Hours. Occupant: Ms. V. Case # H40P87R72K86B73. Activity: Boxes move around the house, doorbell rings on its own, headaches felt by occupant, she believes the entity is causing it. The smell of burning candles resonates in the home and there are no candles burning. Address to be at: Elk Grove, CA
Deanna Jaxine Stinson; Paul Dale Roberts; Julie (Ewens) Cicero.

Since there was only 3 of us, we went anywhere and everywhere in the house, garage, front yard and back yard. This home was CRAZY haunted. We captured EVPs everywhere on this property. Ms. V showed us some hot spots and then Deanna using her psychic abilities showed us more hot spots. Deanna saw a vision of a blessed angel at the fireplace, so we made sure to have an angel at the fireplace, an opening, possibly for spirits to come in and out. The home is located near Old Elk Grove, a place filled with history that goes back to the 1800s. I believe the land is haunted. Deanna envisioned a tall woman ghost, a male ghost, she saw a ghostly dog and seeing a man reading a bible in the occupant’s bedroom (another hot spot). Deanna envisioned crystals on the window ledges for protection of this home and when she went to the window ledge there was religious paraphernalia along the ledges.
Here is when things got edgy. Deanna went into the walk in closet and envisioned birds on the outside ledge and a black cat watching the birds from the closet. All of a sudden I felt something brushing up against my leg, but I didn’t say anything, because I was in the middle of an EVP session. When I played back the recording, we actually heard a cat screaming from the closet location. Our minds were blown! Possibly residual energy from a cat that was once living in this house. Soooo weird! Deanna picked up that the ghost had a name that started with J. Doing an EVP session, we asked if the ghost name was John, Jeremiah, Jason, Joshua, etc. When we played the recording back, the ghost said his name was Judas. We feel this ghost is a practical joker and his name is not really Judas -the betrayer of Jesus. Deanna envisioned a little girl and captured an EVP that may sound like a little girl making some kind of funny noise.
One of the strange things that happened during our EVP session, a girl outside started screaming “ice cream” over and over again. She sounded like she was possessed and it was when we were trying to get an EVP from the little girl ghost. When Deanna was blessing the house near the kitchen windowsill, I saw in my night vision goggles – a Will o’ the Wisp – that is the only way I can describe it, a faint light coming out of the palm of Deanna and floating upwards.

THE CLEANSING Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing.
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help