We conducted 2 set of investigations with a debriefing after each investigation. We covered the garage, backyard, front yard and inside the home. First off, when Daniel (occupant) sent me his video, I was completely amazed. This designer orb caught outside by the front door on security camera, shows the orb moving methodically, as if it was intelligent. It makes 3 stops and hovers. Sure flower flies and dragonflies can hover, but this was no flower fly or dragonfly. I was convinced that this was something more, something paranormal. The family came from a haunted apartment. I investigated their apartment 10 years ago and captured all kinds of evidence. Could it possibly be that whatever entities were in that apartment, followed them to their new home?

Very possible. The family has seen shadow people moving about the home and one of the shadow people wears a brimmed hat. Flashes of light has been seen in the home. Daniel’s wife has been medically ill and she believes it may have been caused by the entities in the house. I witnessed a flash of light from one of the bedrooms and Marsha (occupant) verifies that she has also witnessed a flash of light from that bedroom. Marsha and Julie went into one of the bedrooms and a large shadow entity went right up to Julie’s face, scaring her to death. Julie ran out of the bedroom with eyes as large as saucers after she witnessed the shadow entity. Julie obtained 2 EVPs that are barely audible, but yet you can still hear the words and it was a female voice. I captured 2 EVPs, one EVP said “no” and then I obtained a Class A EVP in the garage that said “ya”. The voices were male. I am giving you part of the story on what happened tonight, but if you want the full story, please click on the video links above. Deanna picked up on various entities in the home and hear her tell it on the video link. With the night vision goggles I witnessed various orb activity. Our temperature monitor lit up red two different times. The temperature monitor was left on the kitchen table.
This family has been plagued by entities for a long, long time. Their rabbi placed Mezuzah along all door entrances to this home. What is a Mezuzah?

Answer: A Mezuzah is a parchment scroll on which the Shema the biblical passage declaring the oneness of God is hand written by an expert scribe. the Torah commands us to a fix the Mezuzah to every doorpost of our home as a constant reminder of our belief in God and his watchful care and protection.
Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Daniel’s wife felt she may have an attachment and I gave her a fully submerged baptism. Daniel and others said that she looked better after the baptism and the house felt lighter after the cleansing. I want to thank the family for ordering pizza and sodas for my team, we truly appreciate the delicious pizza. Randall filmed the cleansing and you can watch the cleansing and baptism on Deanna’s live video feed.
DANIEL’S VIDEO – ANOMALY ACTUALLY STOPS, HOVERS AND THEN MOVES ON:www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq8qupr2xCw&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1Zio7QBLlloncW5sxFDbTlSIf91rQIdQPsVbnO8GLl1ZObIMhUZU6w-d4
DEANNA’S LIVE VIDEO:www.facebook.com/HaloParanormalInvestigations/videos/224316378749473/UzpfSTE2NzM5OTAwMDA6MTAyMTM4MjgxNjQxMzI5ODY/
VIDEOS FROM THE INVESTIGATION:www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3oRzpN9wY8&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=IJDOvAMZlpk&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=NYOkxm0hMI8&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=ub-ovLHBEsc&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=g7q0KdTPai0&feature=youtu.be
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help