This is an unusual HPI case, in which I had to help the client over the phone. Stephen Hawkins of Knoxville, Tennessee called the paranormal hotline and needed paranormal assistance. Stephen tells me that he lives in a home that is 100 years old, or maybe a bit older. Stephen’s family has been terrorized by several entities. Stephen says that on one particular night he was walking in the bedroom with his wife and they both saw glowing yellow eyes in the darkened bedroom. The eyes seemed to stare at them and Stephen and his wife froze in fright, the eyes came close to them and Stephen immediately turned on the light and the eyes were gone. When the lights came on, there was a crashing sound in the kitchen. When they went to the kitchen to see what fell, there was no evidence of anything falling. Everything was normal in the kitchen.
On another night, Stephen’s wife felt ghostly fingers walking up and down her spine, she woke up screaming in a cold sweat. While the ghostly fingers walked up and down her spine, she also had a nightmare of a burly haired man wearing blue jeans and no shirt. The burly haired man had hair all over his chest and his chest was massive. His face was hairy with sparse hair on his chin and cheeks. He seemed to have a smirk on his face and the most scary part for Stephen’s wife is that this large man was laying next to her, while he used his fingers to walk up and down her spine. When Stephen’s wife woke up from the nightmare, the burly hairy man was gone and her husband Stephen was lying next to her. All Stephen could do was comfort his wife, until she finally calmed down.

I explained to Stephen on how to self-bless his home using holy water and carrying a cross. I explained to Stephen to start from the back of the house and work towards the front of the house and sprinkle holy water in each room while saying prayers. Stephen and his family had peace in the house for 2 weeks after the self-blessing. Unfortunately, things started back up again. While watching TV, they saw feet with white socks on walking up the steps to the 2nd floor. The family wasn’t being terrorized by any entities, but for 6 nights straight, they would see the ghostly feet with white socks on, walking up the stairwell. On one night, Stephen got tired of seeing the white socks and went after it, yelling at the top of his lungs for the entity to leave! As Stephen got to the middle of the stairs, he felt a big push of 2 powerful hands and he held onto the hand rails, or otherwise he would of have been flying down the stairwell. Stephen called me again, to tell me that the house blessing is no longer working and what he can do? I had Stephen draw me a picture of the ghostly white socks that he and his wife saw. That drawing is on top of this article.
Stephen has two dogs and the dogs bark at nothingness, then cower and hide. At times the dogs seem like they are going crazy. Stephen said on one night when his wife saw the white socks go up the stairs, she looked at the living room window and saw 9 ghostly faces looking back at her. All 9 ghostly faces had sinister looks on their faces. Stephen’s wife screamed and Stephen came running to help her. When Stephen arrived, the 9 ghostly faces were gone and there was no sign of “white socks”.
On another night they pulled up to the driveway and there was a large black cat sitting in the driveway, as their car approached the cat, it vanished. Stephen and his wife paid the babysitter, that had been watching over their 4 year old son. The baby sitter looked shaken and seemed like she had been crying. Stephen asked the babysitter what was wrong and she said that their son, who was now sleeping had 2 bite marks on his arm and she does not know how they got there. Stephen went to his son immediately and observed the bite marks. Stephen then called me and asked what else can be done? I referred Stephen to some Tennessee ghost hunting groups and Stephen did not have any success in getting any help. I asked about Stephen’s religious preference and if he went to any church? I learned that Stephen and his family attend services at a local Baptist Church. I suggested that if he could get some of the church’s congregation into his home and have them say some prayers and sing some gospel songs, it should rid the home of any entity activity. The congregation would bring so much positive energy into the home, the entities would have to leave.
Stephen followed my advice and brought home 7 members of his church and they walked around to each room, singing and saying prayers. It has now been over 6 months and there has been no more paranormal activity in this home. Case closed.
Added Note: Knoxville, Tennessee is a very haunted location. When I was in the Army and headed for Fort Knox, Kentucky, I stayed at the very haunted Andrew Johnson Hotel and heard footsteps in my room and there was no one in my room. Below are some of the haunted places in Knoxville, Tennessee.

The Bijou Theatre
Civil War Union General William P. Saunders died at this hotel. Guests have heard ghostly footsteps and ghostly people walking up the stairs.
Craighead – Jackson Hotel
A female servant died after the Civil War at this location. Her skirt caught on fire and she died of her burns. Visitors have heard the screams and cries of a woman, which most likely is the female servant.
Baker – Peters House
The ghosts of Abner Baker and his father Dr. Harvey Baker haunt this location. Abner killed a man that he thought was responsible in murdering his father. When Abner was sent to the Knoxville Jail, an angry mob broke him out and lynched him. Moaning is heard in the hallway of the Baker – Peters House.
Andrew Johnson Hotel
Country Music Legend Hank Williams died at this hotel and guests have made claim that they have seen the spirit of Hank Williams wandering around the hotel.

Ramsey House
A “lady in black” has been seeing peering out of a 2nd floor window at tourists.
Historic Rugby
People hear ghosts snoring, or ghosts weeping. Ghosts have even been seen at the bedside of guests.
Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary
A notable inmate at this State prison was James Earl Ray, the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr. Inmates have seen full body apparitions, seen things moving around on their own, been grabbed by unseen forces. Yes, this prison has a lot of history and is very, very haunted.
By Paul Dale Roberts aka the Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help