Confidential Case. City: Lodi, CA. Occupants: Mr. Z & Ms. Z. Case # Y91Z6L4M30U02F40. HPI Paranormal Investigators Present: Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner: Shawna Young and Hannah; Heather Colburn. Activity: The entity centers it’s activity mostly on Ms. Z. Ms. Z may have an attachment. The entity called Ms. Z a whore and the covers were pulled off their young son. Mr. Z briefed us and even had handouts for us to read. The handouts has information such as: 1. Residents do not engage in occult practices such as divination, playing with a Ouija Board, pagan spiritualism. 2. Paranormal activity started March 2020. Security cameras pick up on shadows, strange moving orbs, blankets being pulled off 5 year old child. 3. Walking around upstairs heard, child like voices saying “mommy”, some electrical items shut down. rattling noises heard.

THE INVESTIGATIONWe did 2 sets of investigations covering the 2nd floor and 1st floor, garage, backyard. Used night vision goggles, FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared), digital recorders, cameras. Heather obtained some strange heat signatures on the kitchen table. Heather felt someone stroking her hair. Shawna and Hannah picked up on some bad energy in some of the rooms. We obtained about 6 EVPs, but only two were CLASS A. One EVP was a man’s voice saying “whore”, “whore”, two times. Ms. Z said that is the same voice that said “whore” before. I told Mr. Z, since he used to work at a State prison, and that he brought home a few items from the prison, I believe the entity or entities followed him home. Mr. Z goes on to tell me that he once owned a home made Christmas card made by Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker. After a while he got rid of the card, because he felt it carried back energy. Deanna picked up on a 14 year old male spirit, a spirit that loved motorcycles, but was involved in a murder. Deanna picked up on a shadowy figure on top of the stairwell and after 8 EVP attempts, the 9th EVP was a male’s voice saying “whore”, “whore”.
THE CLEANSING:Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of the home, I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing with Mr. Z. I gave Ms. Z a full submersion baptism in her bathtub, because she may have an attachment. After the baptism, she was very emotional and crying. I hope and pray that the attachment is gone for good. Special Note: I gave Shawna & Hannah a special “hedge of protection” prayer, they requested this prayer. At the end of the night, everyone hugged everyone, it was a night of endurance and stamina as we pushed forward to collect evidence.

Before this investigation took place, I got a strange call on the paranormal hotline, here is that call below…………………….
Date: 8/15/2020 Time of Call: 9:20am. Called: Danny Rochelli – Lead Ghosthunter of P.P.P. (Philadelphia Phantom Pursuers). Danny tells me that they investigated a very haunted home in Philadelphia that is over 100 years old. They captured many EVPs and odd looking orbs in their photos, but the two things that really freaked them out was 1. When entering the home, (Special Note: the occupants stayed at a motel, while their home was being investigated), the front door when unlocked, felt like someone was inside pushing the door closed. They continued pushing the front door and it was being pushed back over and over again, finally the door opened with a loud thud as the door hit the wall. This happened again at one of the bedroom doors, they believe an entity was trying to keep the door closed and was pushing the door to close it, as they were trying to open the door. The second thing that freaked them out is when they talked into the occupant’s Alexis, it said the following: a) leave the house now; b) you will get hurt if you stay; and c) go now! Two of the investigators started feeling nauseated and one of the investigators vomited. They plan to go back and asked me how to conduct a Roman Catholic house blessing. I gave them the information and the investigators will be going back to conduct a cleansing. They will keep me informed on the outcome
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help