At night, we can see the beauty of outer space clearly. the darkness shadows the sun and the other side of time is illuminated. From where we are positioned, we will see separate parts of the sky than the rest of the world. It changes too, every moment that we exist- as the universe shifts in continuous motion. This makes us lucky to be alive and see what we can, apart from everyone else. It makes us connected to the divine in special ways.
There are celestial objects that we can map and chart- such as the North star always being in the North, but there are many different rare occurrences and phenomenon that are so hard to glimpse, that we can consider them to be supernatural and otherworldly. We connect spiritually with certain aspects in the sky, as we have relied on them for physical and spiritual navigation for centuries.
Strange tales and myths speak of apparitions appearing in the sky that would signal major events- such as the end times of the Earth, or major natural disasters that would occur. Some have turned to astrology to gain control over the circumstance, but forecasting deep into the future will show you that things will always be changing- new groups of people will witness different celestial events, be born under different stars and constellations and therefore, they will come to different conclusions on the spiritual philosophies and principals of the Earth.
1. Shooting Stars
Lucifer, the angel of light, was said to be cast out of Heaven and cast upon the ground like a star falling from the highest of Heavens. His glowing was so bright, until he eventually reached the Earth and became darkness and shadow. He becomes Satan here, controlling the kingdoms of Hell and the immoral realms of society and humankind. He rules from the blackest of hearts and places- much like a magic hold of magnetism from a once electrified star shooting by.
He is known as the king of desires and sin. His image has long been associated with stars, specifically- the upside down one, signalling the downfall from the skies above. Perhaps this gives reason to the purpose we have in wishing on shooting stars. Because, for many thousands of years it has been widely known to cast ones desires upon a lucky star as it glides by and wait to see if the wishes come true.

2. The Moon
Many people look up at the moon and make wishes upon it- especially ones regarding love. This is because it feels as the moon is there, following us as we go alone in the world. It has such a brightness and divinity, that it is hard to imagine how it is so close to everyone. When we look up at the moon- we understand that those we love are also looking at it too and wondering about us.
The moon represents the subconscious and all of our secrets and dreams. At night, while we sleep- our minds come to life and our desires come to play under the moonlight. This is the time where we get to know our most inner parts and our true natures. We can manifest our dreams & desires very easily from this place.
3. The North Star
The North Star is known to be the guidance that we seek when we are lost. The North Star will always remain in the North- the highest place of existence. This makes it the best place to look when we wish to be found, or find a place or thing yourself. It signifies adventure and promise.
Reaching out to this star with our mind and psychically connecting to it will help us feel safe and protected. The North Star is a powerful spiritual guide that can help us to navigate our directions in life- spiritually as well as physically.
4.The Northern Lights
The Northern Lights are a beautiful display of color made against the night sky. It is a haunting phenomenon that occurs in certain very cold places mostly. They are like ghosts of color playing and dancing in the glittering snow.
Those who see the Northern Lights are often blessed for life. They feel a certain special connection with the sky and Heavens, which lasts a lifetime. It is a very memorable event, and many people will travel extensive miles in order to be under them.
5. Halley’s Comet
The magic of Halley’s comet is that it can be found in many legends throughout history. It is widely known because it is visible to the naked eye- unlike a lot of other comets. Sometimes, it is made to foretell heroic battles and even was thought to be arisen during the birth of Jesus. Mark Twain, the famous author himself, was born with the comet in the sky overhead. The tale is that if it is in the sky when you are born, when it comes back around after approximately 75-6 years- give or take some months- you will die.
Cult’s have even been formed in the name of this comet and people committed suicide feeling that the comet was actually a spaceship that could take them to an alien place- where they could finally feel at home and be accepted. It is a strange, tragic and mysterious omen. In this case, it can be therefore considered lucky & unlucky for some others.
6. Night Rainbow
It is very common to see rainbow’s during the day- as the sun brings warmth and energy to ice clouds and different dust particles in the sky. Due to the nature of rainbows, they are easier to spot during the daytime. However, there are some which form at night.
The moon bow is seen when a cloud of ice forms around the moon. This is a symbol of good luck, in terms of the weather and also spiritually. It can symbolize seeing the beauty of your shadow side, the grace of darkness and death, and also mean to have hope that your dreams are coming true.

7. Orion’s Belt
Orion’s belt is considered lucky because it is one of the easiest constellations to spot in the sky. It is the one that most people can remember the best- as it is three stars tied as a belt and sword around the supernatural hunter Orion.
It can also be known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters. It is symbolized as an asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. These stars can be prayed to for spiritual power and peace.
It brings people close together that want to have a spiritual experience underneath the stars and also the light contains information which is easily recorded in our brains. If you spot Orion’s belt, you know that a powerful protector is on your side.
Space Charm: 7 Lucky Signs from Outer Space
In conclusion, the universe is a vast expanse of space, yet it is decorated with the jewels of our time- which will forever be cherished by humankind. These are the cosmic treasures, which the God’s share with us- in our hearts, eyes, minds and soul. They will forever live as a fountain of Heaven from which our spirits will drink and we will be given love and light eternal. Metal links form around the hands of God, circularly- likewise holding seven charms on a bracelet, reaching out to us- each one guiding us forward with inspiration and beauty.
Give our hearts over to the glory of God and the skies and the Heavens and let the enchanting jewelry of the night charm and bless you with a great immortal power- which burns on forever in the same skies that were looked upon with delight and passion, by our ancestors, our gods and our people. Please know that we are all one in this light together and we are safe and protected from harm by our beautiful sun and moon, and all the celestial powers of life- which hold us together in their arms and fingers- pushing us, nurturing us and eventually burying us in the gardens of the Earth.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help