Date of the Paranormal Investigation: 8/3/2019. Time to be there: 1900 Hours. Jeri Leigh Smith wants HPI (Halo Paranormal Investigations) to bless her home and also to check things out. Jeri wants to make sure that there are no entities in her home. Jeri and her daughter Macie Lynn had problems with the paranormal in the past and now living in this new home, she wants to make sure she is free from paranormal activity. Odd things have occurred at this new home. Tweezers were found that were bent in such a way, that they are in the shape of a heart. Macie has seen a sneaky entity that peeks his head from out of the closet, or will peek his head around the bedroom door. Jeri’s dogs will bark at nothingness at a redwood tree in the backyard, they will bark at nothingness in Macie’s bedroom. With these type of things happening in this home, it was up to HPI with the help of Spyro Paranormal to see what is going on.

HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call: Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium / HPI Co-Owner; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Macie Lynn – Occupant; Jeri Leigh Smith – Occupant; Elizabeth Margaret Glaros – Spyro Paranormal; Carol Copeland -Spyro Paranormal; Tina Wice; Xandean Smith; Randall Johnson; Lesa; Pamela; Alaceo Rosatano.
On one of my previous investigations, Macie Lynn was present. Macie seemed to have a dark attachment. I performed a full submersion baptism (a basic form of exorcism) and her attachment left. Seeing Macie now, her personality is full of life, bright and happy. Macie when she had her attachment seemed depressed, unhappy and was introverted. She is now an extrovert with a bubbly personality. I am so happy for her. I want to make sure the entity will never bother her again. Jeri tells the group, she has witnessed things being moved around and believes that there could possibly be something in this home. Pamela (Jeri’s friend) witnessed a neon orb around Jeri and one of the neon orbs was in the shape of a heart. Entities that could be haunting this home, because they are attached to the family are Norm and Kesler. A possibility that we will look into.
We captured EVPs by the big redwood tree in the backyard and EVPs in Macie’s bedroom. The EVPs were: “I’m here”; “Randall” (the entity says Randall’s name when Randall was talking into the digital recorder). I asked the entity if he wanted us to leave and he says “yes”. I asked the entity if he likes the guitar playing that Macie was doing in her bedroom and he said “yes”. I asked the entity if he was here and he said “only me”, a Class A EVP. Deanna saw an old lady in Jeri’s bedroom with white curly hair and a blue apron. Jeri confirmed it as her grandmother and that she did indeed wear an apron. Deanna saw a gray wolf in Macie’s bedroom and believes this was a spirit guide, a protective spirit for Macie. Come to find out, Macie has always been attracted to gray wolves and actually had a stuff gray wolf underneath her blankets on her bed. Deanna felt a male presence and we kept getting male voice EVPs. We did two investigative sessions, 40 minutes each with a briefing between each investigative session.

With the evidence that we gathered, it was time to conduct a cleansing. Deanna had Randall and Alaceo hold a candle and she conducted a metaphysical cleansing. Xandean filmed the cleansing. I walked with Jeri and conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Added Note: Macie says in her own words: “So I just went to go sleep in my room and my protective cover that wraps underneath my mattress was pulled off, I’m not sleeping in there tonight.” Deanna told Macie to place salt underneath her bed and say a prayer, in which she did. Also, for an added touch, she will be placing angel figurines around her room, that have been dipped in holy water. Each angel a protection prayer is said to it. This is added protection.
Xandean and a group of investigators saw what they thought was a UFO in the night sky that moved erratically, was very bright and moved later in a straight line. They observed this from Jeri’s backyard. I want to thank Jeri for the delicious Caesar salad, cheese cake and coffee.
By Paul Dale Roberts & Deanna Jaxine Stinson, HPI’s Esoteric Detectives
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help