HPI Investigators – We have an emergency investigation this Saturday at 5pm. Address to be at: 33rd Avenue, Sacramento, CA. Contact Person: Shula Jackson. Shula lives with her husband, dog, and 3 children in a home that is 12 years old. Activity: Older man (The Old Man) ghost standing over Shula’s bed looking at her. Something made her scratch her forehead in her sleep. A cloud of smoke (Smoky Entity) appears and get’s in her baby’s face. 6 knocks are heard on the wall, first 3, then a pause, and another 3 knocks. They captured an EVP, in which the entity says “find me” and when asking the entity’s name, the name is “Richard”. Child walks in their bedroom and a black ball is floating in the air and then it vanishes. One of the children has an imaginary friend and will sit in the closet talking to their friend.
Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium – HPI Co-Owner; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Richard “Ox” Oxenrider; Angela Chessnutt; Heather Cornwall.
Shadow Person Captured by Angela Chessnutt:

We did two one hour investigations, covering all of the bedrooms, garage, front yard, living room, etc. After each investigation we have a briefing to discuss any evidence that we collected. We present the evidence immediately to the occupant – Shula Jackson. All I can say is….wow! While we were there, Shyla was getting choked and felt anxiety. Deanna picks up on a shadow person wearing a fedora hat (The Hat Man) in the hallway, near the children’s bedroom. Later Angela captures a full body shadow person wearing a hat, like Deanna described. Ox and Heather see a shadow person moving down the hallway in the beginning of our investigation. Ox captures all kinds of orb activity in one of the bedrooms and some of the orbs were dust, while some orbs displayed intelligent movement and would also move erratically from one direction to another direction. We capture 3 EVPs, one in the living room, 2 in the children’s bedroom. You can hear the EVPs for yourself at the video links. Heather felt cold spots moving on one side of her and moving to her other side. Deanna and Ox at the same time see a (Shadowy Bat Creature) fly out of the children’s bedroom and Ox had to duck, to avoid being hit by the shadow bat creature. Shula confirms that she has also seen the shadowy bat creature. Deanna sees a (Black Orb) moving down the hallway. Using dowsing rods to locate the entity named “Richard” and I followed the dowsing rods as they pointed down the hallway and back to the children’s bedroom. The dowsing rods crossed over at the location of where Richard was and I captured an EVP of a man talking a full on sentence that was unintelligible. Deanna saw a large (Black Beetle) that went into the split in the kitchen cabinets. The Black Beetle was a type of shadow creature. ENTITIES IDENTIFIED: The Black Beetle; The Black Orb; Richard; The Shadowy Bat Creature; Smoky Entity; The Old Man; The Hat Man.
Tonight I gave Shyla a full submersion baptism after Deanna and I, blessed the warm water in the bathtub. Shyla feels she has an attachment and demonic faces will appear on her back. I also gave a full submersion baptism to her 2 daughters and 3 boys with the help of Deanna and Shyla. I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing while Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of the house. Deanna left cleansing material for Shyla. Shyla said the house felt good and she felt good. After we left, Shyla called me to tell me she was being choked again. She is placing holy water around her neck area and is saying a protection prayer. We will monitor the results of our cleansing with Shyla.
There are many haunted trails in California. Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium and I, have been on many. Some of the haunted trails in California are; Moro Rock Trail in Tulare, CA; Alum Rock Trail in San Jose; The Lost Coast Trail in Petrolia, Ca; Pear Lake Trail in Sequoia National Park; Mount Diablo Trail – Contra Costa County, CA; Lake Chabot Trail in Castro Valley, CA and Crystal Cave Trail in Sequoia National Park. My late brother Joseph “Joe” Soyo was an avid hiker and has been on all of these trails during his lifetime. Joe told me that the scariest trail he has ever been on is the Lake Chabot Trail. Joe called all 7 trails – The Haunted 7. After Joe hiked the Lake Chabot Trail, he had a dream that his throat was cut by a fellow hiker. Here is some information I found on the Internet about this trail:
“The Lake Chabot Trail is an ideal area for fishing, and for those who wish to get a long winded walk out of the day. However, many Castro Valley residents have started to avoid this magnificent plot of natural beauty, because of the area’s growing reputation. Hikers have claimed that while walking on the ten mile Lake Chabot Trail they started to experience bizarre visions. One envisioned being bitten by an extremely venomous snake. Another swears he saw a horrific looking clown, following him on the trail with a knife. And still another envisioned being attacked and killed by a rabid mountain lion. After sharing their fearful visions, they came to the conclusion that there is a paranormal phenomenon on the trail where the hiker will have visions of their worst fears…….come to life.
From the Paranormal Hotline – 11/12/2019 – Time: 15:14 Hours. “Hi, my name is Denny Laybourn and recently my fiance and I hiked the Lake Chabot Trail. After hiking this trail and going home to rest and sleep after having a long day on this trail, I had a hard time sleeping. I tossed and turned all night long and kept thinking of the trail. There was a time when I did fall asleep and I woke up in a cold sweat. My fiance had a terrifying nightmare, she dreamed that she was kidnapped on the trail by some homeless campers on the trail and stripped of her clothes. She was thrown into a basket that had a hole on the bottom of the basket. Below her was a demon with bluish skin, horns, long ears and sharpened fingernails. A female demon was beside him performing fellatio on the male demon. The basket she was in lowered down to the demon’s private area and the male demon inserted into her private area through the hole in the basket. The basket was then spun around while the male demon was inside her. She screamed and screamed and the female demon yelled “Spin the Basket!” Paul, my fiance and I, will never go on that trail again. That trail is cursed with EVIL! We are now having normal sleep times and normal dreams. I never want to go back!”
Case Number: 9B165P186508. Contact Person: Todd. Paranormal Issue: 30 years ago Todd worked construction. He was working a field in Redding, CA and accidently disturbed an Indian gravesite. When this happened, he became cursed. Terrible things happened to him, he lost everything and is now homeless. Divorce, financial ruin, injuries, etc. He wants the cursed lifted. I suggested he should get a full submersion baptism.
JUST IN: Case Number 70B7262L2516. Sub Category 70Y73501H921. Location: Kelseyville, CA. Contact Person: Brandon Perry. Special Note: Zak Bagans and Ghost Adventures is interested in this case and Brandon Perry claims he talked with Zak over the phone. Activity: UFO and Ghost Haunting. Ghost Haunting: Disembodied singing is heard. Strange loud noises are heard. Glass table and big umbrella in the patio was thrown off deck and into the woods. Former owner of the house lived in the dark and he was blind. He was also an alcoholic and died at this house. It’s possible that his spirit is still haunting this home in Kelseyville? Brandon further states that the UFO hovered over his house for 5 minutes. Brandon moved into the house 2 months ago. Brandon’s mother was growled at by an unseen specter. Brandon has heard hissing in the house. Brandon’s fiancée recently acquired lupus rheumatoid arthritis. More growling was heard at open window, Brandon was so scared he slept with his pistol. Brandon says at times his house will be infested with hundreds of rats and thousands of flies, as if the house was possessed. UFO: On 12/18/2019 a UFO the size of a huge Walmarts flew across the night sky in Kelseyvlle, CA. The UFO was silent. There were 6 witnesses to this event. Brandon Perry (witness to the event) submitted the picture of the UFO as seen here:

You can see some of the videos and photos of this investigation at my Facebook timeline here:
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help