Hello Paul, thanks for reaching back to me and showing interest. My family and I moved into this house around June which is located in Hanford, Ca. The house was built in the 1930’s and has stood on its foundation even through there was a fire that occurred here approximately 5-8 years ago. The wood still stands and was not changed and it still remains underneath the basement and is holding the house together. During the time of the move my family and I did feel an energy but we thought it was only because we just moved in. Well, the 1st week of the stay I had experienced a hard pressure on my chest and I woke up trying to catch my breath. My mother had awoken as well and felt “weird”. Couple weeks passed by and my mother was home alone she heard footsteps in the kitchen as if they were hard steel toe boots. She ignored it and went to sleep, a couple minutes later she felt a hand brush against her thigh and quickly awoke. There have been times my family and others hear things as well. From tapping on the windows, footsteps, bangs, knocks, objects being moved & even voices of a man. It has been the 2nd time the police have arrived to my home in regards to 911 calls being made from a landline here but we have no landline the address is 416 E Grangeville Blvd. On Monday I will go pick up the recordings from the 911 calls u have my number and email now if you want more details call me. I left out the details of the suicide and not a murder but a women passed away here in the fire the man committed suicide and blew his brains out after finding out a family member had stage 4 cancer. I gave this case to Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures. They are interested in this case and are in touch with the occupants.
From Our Paranormal Journal:
1/5/2020: Deanna Jaxine Stinson and I (Paul Dale Roberts) were entering off Sunrise Blvd from Highway 50. The time was 1:50pm. Deanna noticed from the Hwy 50 entrance to Sunrise Blvd, that there were very large crows circling the sky. As she watched the crows, she noticed about 50 white objects that looked metallic and had wings flying erratically. They were flying above the crows. I looked into the sky and saw the same thing and said….”what the f is that?” Tried to find a place to pull over and finally pulled into Marriott Hotel. Deanna looked into the sky and could not find the objects. The pictures that she took, did not come out. A woman near the hotel saw Deanna looking in the sky and took a picture of her car and took a picture of Deanna. Could these flying objects been drones or something else? If they were drones, where did they come from and why were they hovering in this area?

The William Westerfeld House
1/11/2020: Talk about jealousy. I learned that one of my employees is spending a free weekend at this haunted mansion. My employee knows the owner very well. I am so jealous. I used to drive by this mansion many times over while visiting San Francisco. At the time, I lived in San Bruno and I would drive around SF with my high school friends and we used to marvel at the site of this mansion. One of my high school friends named Willie Reid even said that he thought the mansion might be haunted. A cast of characters have visited or lived at this mansion, they are: Czarist Russians that stayed there and at the time, they owned a nightclub that catered to Russians; Jazz Musician John Handy; The Calliope Company (a 50 person commune); Promoter Chet Helm; Charles Manson; Kenneth Anger – an underground occult filmmaker; Bobby Beausoleil who joined the Manson Clan and committed one of the Manson Clan’s first murders – probably influenced by ol’ Charlie himself; Anton LaVey – founder of the Church of Satan and Anton’s pet lion cub that left claw marks on one of the panel doors. Rumor has it that they had Satanic rituals at this mansion and even did UFO Hunts by looking at their open windowed ceiling and made claim that they saw UFOs. Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures has been at this mansion investigating. My employee tells me that they did a thorough blessing at this mansion and there is no more paranormal activity. I wish I could find out myself by doing my own investigating……..sigh. To learn more about this historic mansion, stop by here: hoodline.com/2014/10/the-spooky-history-of-the-westerfeld-house
Church Grounds Paranormal Investigation
Date to be there: 1/12/2020. Time to be there: 1600 Hours. Type of Investigation: Demonic. There was a lot of confidential issues that occurred at this investigation. Now for that being said, I will not be writing a full blown article about this investigation. You can learn everything about this investigation at the video links below. After the investigation, Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing, I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing. We gave Missy a holy water sprinkle baptism with Angela Chessnutt holding her shoulder, Deanna Jaxine Stinson holding her other shoulder, and all 3 of us prayed over her and threw holy water on her and made the sign of the cross in holy water on her forehead and the top of her head. Missy had an attachment and the baptism (a basic form of exorcism) should work. Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503

Hotel Niles, 804 South Main Street, Alturas, CA If there was ever a haunted hotel, this would be the one! Case #5Y306R400M125. Chairperson Lorissa (Reese) Soriano that I met at Cal-Expo tells me that this hotel is very haunted. A former prostitute ghost roams the 3rd floor hallway and rooms. Doing some research, I discovered that Dean stayed at the hotel and felt a burning sensation on his body. He then felt a body next to him and a woman breathing in his ear and touching him. He got up out of the bed and ran to his car. He looked up in the hotel window, only to see a dead woman staring back at him. Chasing leads on Facebook, Michael Janetti from Fresno stayed at the hotel and was somewhat inebriated. Michael felt the touch of a woman’s hands on his genitals, his back to the unknown woman. He felt the woman’s breath in his ear. Michael said he enjoyed the touch and whispered….”who are you?” The unknown lady whispered back…”Francis Lee”. Michael moaned in pleasurable delight and turned over, only to find out that there was no one there. Michael said he screamed and paced the hallway until the break of dawn. Michael says he will NEVER return to that hotel, he is still traumatized from the experience. If you want to see more of Dean’s story, go here: backpackerverse.com/lonely-men-california-hotel/
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help