Text Message from Dean Amant: “Hi we talked on day back in September and I was telling you I feel I had a attachment. You said u could set up a time for u and your team to investigate. The haunting is so bad I moved out of my wife’s home and in with my friend’s house and now my friend’s house is having activity here. I could use your help to find out what is haunting my home and wife’s home. We have things moving and doors opening and closing and I keep seeing a figure moving from bedroom to bedroom. This is also happening in my friends place. At my wife’s place there is anger, wife even had a heart attack 2 months ago. Also dark figures seen in bedrooms. No one has been hurt, only emotionally. I think. Is it possible that the entity or entities are attached to Dean Amant and followed him to his friend’s home? Case #: 7J077P612Y898

Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium/ HPI Co-Owner; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Peter Wisham; Angela Chessnutt; Julie Ewens.
Josh Garcia; Dean Amant; Sandra; William & Kevin.
We conducted 2 – 40 minute investigations with a debriefing after each one. During the investigation we investigated the backyard. Deanna was feeling animal spirit activity in the backyard shed house. Then she saw a flash of light. Come to find out, there is a grave that reads “Teddy”. Teddy is probably the previous owners family pet. At this location, we obtained an EVP that said “here”. Deanna was seeing an entity with black hair in the living room, at this location, we obtained an EVP that said “yeah”. Sandra the occupant was seeing a vision of Deanna in a past life that has Celtic roots. See Deanna’s live video to hear Sandra explain Deanna’s past life. Deanna has always felt she had a Celtic connection from the past, so that was pretty amazing that Sandra came up with that scenario. Sandra went into a seizure and started talking as if the entity was talking through her. Again, look at Deanna’s live video to see Sandra go through the seizure and then become possessed by the entity. This was all caught on live video. Julie and Angela caught all kinds of orb activity and with some of the orbs, they listened to the commands of Julie and would appear where Julie was directing them, showing intelligent movement. Angela catches a face in the bedroom window and manages to take a picture of the face. The dowsing rods crossed over in this same bedroom, indicating that it was hanging out in the bedroom. We also capture an unintelligible EVP in the very same bedroom. Julie captures a photograph of a dark shadow figure in the window. Sandra has always been a channeler of spirits and will go into a seizure before channeling them. Definition of a channeler: A person who conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person’s body or conscious mind specifically. One who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits. Deanna felt that there were many animal spirits on the property and she also felt there were some vortexes on the property.

I conducted a sprinkling of holy water baptism which is known as an Aspersion, in a religious context, is the act of sprinkling with water, especially holy water. Aspersion is a method used in baptism as an alternative to immersion or affusion. The baptism was conducted on all of the occupants. After the baptism, I did a Roman Catholic house blessing, while Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of this home. William walked around with me and Deanna and filmed the cleansing and baptism. See Deanna’s live video of the cleansing and baptism. Special Note: While I was investigating the backyard shed, Sandra saw a creature with tenacles attacking my back. The odd thing about this is that my back was very sore when I got home. Did a creature with tentacles really attack me in that shed? ENTITY IDENTIFIED: MR. TENTACLES. Another entity that is seen in this home by the occupants is THE GOATMAN. A shadowy man with a goat’s head. Sandra is tormented by THE GOATMAN. On one of my recordings there is an unusual sound that resembles the cry of a goat. Personal Note: After I left this home, I was completely drained, my energy felt depleted. Angela also felt an energy drain.
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help