Date to be there: March 20, 2021, Saturday. Time to be there 6pm. Name of Occupant: Tiffany Cameron. Address to be at: XXXXXXXX North Highlands, CA. Type of Haunting: Ghosts. Activity: Old home that may possibly have spirits lurking about. On their security camera, they get orbs with intelligent movement. They want verification. Case Number: 9D16Y956L1480
Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner & Psychic Medium; Matt n’ Michelle Mesa; Valerie Chenoweth; Greg Sellers; Alaceo “Big Al” Rosatano.
Before I get into the story, Sacramento Paranormal Help on Facebook received this message from Melissa Lethco: “I’m Messaging Wish Fire! I don’t know her real name but I watch her live on FB all the time and she gives me readings. Well, she gave me a reading last night, and right after she kept talking about Chickens, and how she was worried about chickens, and she didn’t know why, I commented, and told her I have chickens, an d one of them is my Pet. Well she had a right to be worried! A dog got in my Pen today and killed some of them, and he hurt my pet one really bad!! I have her in the house with me now, trying to dr. her. I hope and pray she makes it! But anyway, I wanted to say, that I wish I would have payed more attention to what she was saying last night about the chickens, and mine would all still be alive!! Tell her I said Thank you for the Warning! And I will be waiting to hear what she has to say next time!!”
Wishfire of course is Deanna Jaxine Stinson and on the side, Wish Fire does readings. Above is an example of some of the compliments that she receives for her readings. Sending angels to protect and heal Melissa’s chicken. Now to the investigation. As we pulled up on the street in North Sacramento, Deanna did not know which house it was, but automatically saw a man in overalls walking around the front yard of the house. Matt picked up on high EMF readings around certain areas of the house. Michelle obtained an EVP of a Whispery Girl saying “I’m here”. Later on, Big Al picked up on the same Whispery Girl saying “I’m here.” We were not able to identify who this Whispery Girl was, but she definitely wanted us to know that she was there. Tiffany does not feel any threat from the entities in her home. I also believe her 3 big dogs keep the entities in check. Deanna picked up activity in the corner of the backyard. The only EVP I obtained at this location was a dog yapping and at the time I was doing the EVP, there were no dogs around me. So possibly there is a ghostly dog hanging out at this residence too.

Michelle obtain video footage of some strange orb movement. Some of the orbs seemed to move with a purpose, as if they had intelligent movement. The videos have been uploaded on my Facebook timeline and anyone is welcome to check it out and analyze it. The home was built in the 1950s…so it definitely has some history. I do believe this house is haunted. The best evidence we obtained are from Michelle and Big Al, in which at two separate times they obtained an EVP from a Whispery Girl saying “I’m here.” I will give a standing ovation to Matt, Michelle, Big Al, Valerie and Greg. Michelle and Big Al for getting the EVP of the Whispery Girl. Valerie and Greg for asking a ton of questions. Matt for doing a EMF reading of the house. Great team work and Deanna and I, are honored to work with all of them. The 3 entities we identified at this home was: 1. Overalls Man; 2. Whispery Girl and 3. Backyard Ghost Dog. The evidence that stands out and shows that this house is haunted is the two EVPs by Michelle and Big Al.
Special Note: Tiffany says that the Overalls Man was her boyfriend’s great grandpa. This is the ghost that Deanna saw as we drove up to the house.
Follow us into the unknown…………..
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help