Previously, I wrote about the haunted Mayfair Hotel and you can see that article here at the Costa Rican
Below, Johanna “Joey” Peterson read my article about the Mayfair Hotel after she had her own terrifying experience at the hotel. I asked Joey to write her story via an email to me. Her story is exceptionally captivating and when I read her story, it gave me chills right down my spine. I will let Joey tell her story, see below:
“Hi Paul, I wanted to reach out to you because I had a horrifying night staying at The Mayfair in LA. I hadn’t read about the hotel before staying there so I had no idea about the ghosts. I also met the lost boy before I left. He seemed sweet not evil like the ghosts that kept me up all night in my room. Again I had no idea about this place being haunted and I knew nothing about the lost boy until after I left the hotel and and read about him. If you’re interested I can tell you about my whole experience staying one night there. It was truly terrifying.” (Text message via Facebook)
The email from Joey is below, in its full entirety.

“Hi Paul,
It all began when I decided to fly into Los Angeles the day before I met up with my boyfriend, Jason. I live in New York City and he lives in San Francisco. Sometimes we like to meet up in different cities and explore since our eventual goal is for us to live together on the west coast, but we won’t be living in San Francisco, since we want to live in a warmer part of California. So on this trip we were going to travel around Los Angeles and San Diego. I wanted to get there a day before him so I wouldn’t be jet lagged when we met up, and boy did that not work out! I booked the Mayfair online because I thought it would be cool to be in downtown LA and I loved the Old Hollywood look of the hotel.
When I arrived I wasn’t very happy with the sketchy location, it was depressing to see tents and homeless people all round. I should have researched the West LA area more before booking my hotel. However, when I walked into the Mayfair I liked what I saw. The lobby was beautiful and definitely possessed the old Hollywood grandeur. This illusion of grandeur quickly disappeared once I entered my room, It was such a tiny, drab room, with one of the smallest bathrooms I have ever seen. The uninspiring view from the window of West LA was quite dismal as well, reminding me again in the future to better research an area and not just be looking for the best deal. However, I decided to not let this bother me, it was just for one night and despite how small the room was it did seem comfortable. Since I was tired from my early morning flight and it was only noon I decided I was going to take a quick nap before heading out and exploring the seedy neighborhood I was in. Little did I know this would be the only sleep I would be getting in that room.
When I woke about an hour later I went out for the rest of the day returning to my room around 5:30 that evening. The first few hours back in the room were fine. I was relaxing with some wine and watching a little tv. Around 9:30 to 10pm everything started to change, First I began hearing voices and started feeling like I was being watched. I tried to put it out of my head but it just kept getting worse. Then I felt like someone was trying to break into my room, but when I looked out the peephole no one was there and the hall was completely empty. I can’t explain it but I truly felt like someone was trying to kill me, I kept trying to calm myself down telling myself this is just your imagination. Then I started having visions like I was being stabbed and actually thought I had been murdered. Through all this time I kept hearing the voices talking to me and saying they were going to kill me. My rational mind knew this sounded crazy and I was so freaked out that I called my best friend, Patti, on the East Coast, who was asleep, but saw that it was me calling and picked up. I told her where I was and said I thought someone was trying to kill me. While I was on the phone with her I kept having more visions of myself being stabbed with blood everywhere. I told her I wanted to call the police and even at one point I thought I was already dead and just calling her from beyond just so she would know what had happened to me. She kind of believed what I was saying because I had NEVER had such a crazy conversation with her. Still she was able to keep me from calling the police, telling me if I did they would just think I was nuts. She stayed on the phone with me for a few hours until I finally started to calm down.
Once I got off the phone with her it was around 3 AM and the voices had subsided, I attempted to go to sleep but I was too freaked out so I decided to turn the tv on. I found an episode of “I Love Lucy” and I thought that would soothe me since I have always loved that show, however that didn’t go well either because I felt like Lucy and Desi were watching me and talking about me. I got to thinking how everybody on that show had been dead for a long time and I really got creeped out. I didn’t want to call Patti again so I just changed the channel to an infomercial (which seemed less scary for some reason) and tried to make myself go to sleep, which was impossible. The voices were still taunting me from the tv, but somehow I knew if I could just get through the night everything would be ok by morning. I was right, as dawn approached and the light came through the window the voices began to stop.
Needless to say I was exhausted the next morning and ready to get the hell out of that hotel room. Jason was due to pick me up at 10 AM. Normally I would linger in my room until the last minute primping and preparing to see him but not this time! I got out of there as soon as I could and checked out and waited downstairs in the lobby for his arrival. When I was sitting on the couch in the lobby I looked to my left and realized there was a little boy on the couch with me who appeared to be around 3 or 4 years old. He was very cute and was wearing a little blue jumper. I didn’t understand how he got there without me noticing and I also didn’t see his parents or anyone who was with him. He was just climbing around the couch acting like little kids do and I assumed his parents were somewhere around and had just told him to sit there until they returned. Then Jason arrived and I raced out of there feeling like the little boy was fine and not giving too much thought to him. Honestly his sweet presence gave me some comfort after my night of terror.

As soon as I got in the car I told Jason about my horrible night. He is very much a skeptic so didn’t take it too seriously. I have never reacted this way and am not a person who talks about ghosts, though the idea of them has always intrigued me. I then googled haunted Mayfair Hotel and the first thing I saw was the story about the lost boy. There was no doubt in my mind that I had just met him. It sent a chill down my spine and still does, also I have not been able to watch an episode of “I Love Lucy” since then…
So this is the story of my night at the Mayfair. I knew nothing about it being haunted until after I left and I’m not one to be spooked staying by myself in hotel rooms. This place is definitely haunted and I never want to go back there. I think the lost boy is actually a sweet ghost and in retrospect I think he was there trying to comfort me after my night of horror.
This happened back in 2018, the actual night I spent in the room was 9/28/18. Unfortunately I don’t remember the room number but I researched it and discovered that hotels should have a record of the room number you stayed in. I tried to call the hotel but no one answered and I discovered that since the pandemic it is being used to house the homeless. I also emailed them about the room number, but haven’t heard back from them. I got to thinking about this night again after watching “The Vanishing At The Cecil Hotel” on netflix. I then read some more articles in which you were quoted and felt compelled to reach out to you about my experience.
Look forward to hearing what you think about my experience.
Author: Johanna “Joey” PetersonForeword: Paul Dale Roberts
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help