Paranormal Hotline Call. Date: 7/28/2019. Time: 13:14 p.m. Name of Caller: Madison Turncall. Location of Call: Detroit, Michigan. Caller says the following, words to this effect. “Hi my name is Madison Turncall. Is this the paranormal hotline? My answer is “yes, how can I help you?” Madison: This may sound crazy, but it looks like I summoned up a demon. One night at my house, I had 3 buddies over. We were drinking and got bored playing video games. My daughter who was not at home at the time, has a Ouija Board. She never opened it. I got the lame idea of opening the box. It was all in fun and we started playing the Ouija Board, asking questions. We asked if there is a ghost in the room, what is your name? The response was Erakka. We asked who is Erakka? The answer was “demon”. We said ooooooohhhhhhh…..shhhhhhhiiiiiiiit! We stopped playing immediately. Then all of a sudden the closet door in the bedroom opened slowly. We sat there watching the door, then it slammed shut loudly! I heard a voice in my head, it said….”Madison, write my name on the mirror and call out my name three times.” I will appear and grant you your wish. I didn’t do this and I couldn’t believe I was hearing this voice in my head. He kept talking to me and I kept yelling….”no, no, no, no!!” After the last no that I shouted, Erakka appeared to me. The only way I can describe him is that he had long white hair, pink eyes, super white skin, sinewy chest muscles, claws, torn jeans. He is an albino demon! He started choking me, I couldn’t breathe. All of a sudden bright lights came through the bedroom window. A buzzing sound was heard and the demon vanished. The lights vanished and the demon was gone. I practically passed out and noticed I was missing 2 hours of time.

Paul’s Response:
Above is Richard Vasseur – Artist depiction of the creature. When I heard this story, I didn’t know what to think. It sounds like a bit of a demon encounter mixed in with an alien abduction. Of course, if you believe that demons are fallen angels, then demons would be classified as extraterrestrials. I have explained to Madison how he can self bless his home, get a full submersion baptism (in case he has an attachment) and keep me informed on the progress. Madison is going to follow my instructions. I also suggested on how to dispose of a Ouija Board properly and he is following suit.
Date to be there: January 4, 2020, Saturday. Time to be there: 5pm. Contact Person: Daniel / Case #20K9P352Y9721. Address to be at: xxxxxx, Sonora, CA / Activity: Crashing sound heard, Daniel investigates and his garage window blows out for no reason. He worked at a funeral home and feels an entity may have followed him to his house. Orbs are now seen throughout the house. Wants investigation and cleansing. Strange sounds are heard throughout the home. Directions: Client called and said that his address may not show up on GPS.
HPI PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS PRESENT: Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner – Psychic Medium; Richard “Ox” Oxenrider. Daniel lives out in the deep woods and his home definitely has dark spirit activity. He did not want a Catholic house blessing, he only wanted Deanna to go ahead and conduct her metaphysical cleansing, in which she did at the end of the night. Daniel is an outstanding musician and took us into his music studio. Daniel writes some pretty dark music. Music that he channels into him from dark forces. Daniel played some of his original music and the music is very intoxicating. The music is dark and sounds like something that may come from the depths of Hell. One song was in regard to serial killer Leonard Lake. Deanna feels that this is a demonic haunting. Deanna went into a trance when Daniel started playing his music. Definitely bad vibes were felt by all 3 of us. Daniel explained to us that when he worked in a funeral home, he had to handle the corpses and was very verbally graphic in his telling of the stories. We obtained about 3 EVPs and you can hear them on the videos. One of the EVPs, a male voice is telling us to GO, GO, GO! The negative energy from this investigation affected me and Deanna, which caused tension on our 2 hour ride home. When we got home, we discussed the negative energy that we picked up on, when listening to Daniel’s music. By talking about this, the negative energy finally left us and we were back to normal. I truly feel the negative aspects of the music affected all 3 of us. On a lighter note, Daniel has 2 beautiful dogs, chickens, roosters and allowed me to hold one of his roosters and I got to pet him while holding him. Daniel also tells me there is strong UFO activity in the night skies over his home. The area where Daniel lives in referred to as UFO Gold Country Triangle according to Ufologist Bill Birnes. We will have a UFO hunt at his house in the Summertime. I truly believe that the entity that blew out Daniel’s window, is the same entity that told us to GO, GO, GO! I call this entity the Sonora Aggressor! I believe the Sonora Aggressor deposited strong negative energy on me, Deanna and Ox. There are so many factors to this case. Some of the haunting can be from the items in this home. This home is like a museum that is filled with all kinds of items. The haunting can be from the home itself, the land, the dark music and from Daniel himself (who could have brought something back from the funeral home.) Special Note: The occupant had shelves filled with skulls.

The Abusive Ghosts
Date to be there: December 28, 2019. Time to be there: 3pm. Case Number: 9Y163H2049E68. Contact person: Missy. Her message: “Hello, my name is Marissa Simons but I go as, Missy. I have discovered that I am not only an empath but I also am a medium and have psychic abilities. As of now and since last November of 2018 I have been dealing with some very negative and ultra annoying ghosts whom have been difficult to get rid of for good. I can explain more in detail to you when we get into contact. I truly wish for your amazing help and believe you have helped me in the past and my family and I were more than satisfied with your tremendous help. I really forward to receiving your help of your team and I also hope we can plan and schedule a date and time to do so as quickly as possible for this has gone on too long and these now rather petty and more than abusive ghosts are now trying to upset and get through to my poor bf You are more than welcome to either message me back here, by email which is xxxxxxxxxxxxx or you can also call me at xxxxxxxx. I look forward to your response! Thank you, Missy.” Address to be at: 3910 Marysville Blvd, Sacramento, CA
When Deanna Jaxine Stinson and I, arrived, this investigation was cancelled at the last minute. Cancellations are part of the territory for paranormal investigators. I was very disappointed, because I was ready to investigate. Deanna picked up on a little boy ghost on the property and felt nothing but positive vibes on the outside of the trailers and Victory Tabernacle Family Worship Center. If we had conducted an investigation, we would have investigated the church grounds too. If a trailer parked at the church is haunted, then most likely this church would also be haunted. When I received the text for the cancellation, I had to scramble and call Xandean Smith and Richard “Ox” Oxenrider and tell them not to come, due to the cancellation. We made one outside video which showed the church and Deanna talking about the ghost that she picked up on. The video was not significant and I decided to delete it. Let’s talk about a church that is really haunted. Let’s talk about St. Michan’s Church in Dublin, Ireland.
St. Michan’s Church: This church is haunted by disembodied whispering voices from mummies entombed in the vaults. When I went to Dublin, Ireland, I stopped by and saw this church. At the time, the church was locked up and I couldn’t get inside to look around. I wanted to see the mummies and see if I would experience the disembodied whispering. I went to Dublin Castle afterwards and experienced extreme dizziness when investigating below ground of the castle. But, let’s get back to St. Michan’s Church. Let’s talk a bit about the history of the church.
St. Michan’s Church is an Anglican Church located in Church Street, Dublin, Ireland. The first Christian chapel on this site dates from 1095, and operated as a Catholic church until the Reformation. The current church dates from 1686, and has served Church of Ireland parishioners in Dublin for more than 300 years. One parishioner named Peter says that on one day sitting inside the church, he felt a tapping on his shoulder. He turned around and no one was there. The tapping happens again, he turns around and again no one is there. The tapping happens a third time around, he turns around and is slapped on the face. A disembodied voice says…”you should be ashamed of yourself”. Peter says that he was thinking about how he recently cheated on his wife and that the spirit that slapped him knew of the incident. In fact Peter was in the church to confess about his cheating. Parishioners have mentioned that they will at times see floating orbs around the church. They will see these orbs with their own eyes. If you have any stories about St. Michan’s Church, I would love to hear about it. You can email me at [email protected]
Tim R. Swartz’s Big Book of Incredible Alien Encounters:

A Global Guide to Space Aliens, Interdimensional Beings and Ultra-Terrestrials
Main Authors: Tim R. Swartz; Timothy Green Beckley; Sean Casteel and numerous other authors.
Price: Kindle $9.95 – Paperback $21.95
You Can Purchase the Book Here:
Overviewed by: Paul Dale Roberts – Halo Paranormal Investigations
Comments: Holy Smokes!! This book is gigantic! It’s an encyclopedia of UFO history, facts and stories! How many pages? Perhaps over 500! I really had a hard time putting this book down, even for a bathroom break. Reading about Timothy Beckley’s inspirations like John Keel, Gray Barker and Jim Moseley Big names in the UFO community. Yes, they threw in a couple of my stories, they are: Israeli Mossad & Interpol UFO Report and Abduction: The Screams of a Thousand Oaks. I love being associated with the two Tims. Timothy Beckley delves into the history of his life, his legacy with rock and roll and the entertainment business. Both Tims have an incredible legacy! Of course, the people they associate with, like Sean Casteel also have incredible legacies and that’s what makes this book so much fun to read. A gathering of minds all set on the UFO phenomena and placing their knowledge in one fat book to use as a reference guide. Here are some teasers. Arthur Shuttlewood encounters giants that are 8 feet tall with domeheads. A Scottish man is attacked by strange spiked UFOs. Stefan sees Pink Panther type of aliens and they showcase a clear case with the head of a Neanderthal inside that case. Talk of the dreaded Men in Black. You will LOVE the illustrations, the photos in this gargantuan monster of a book! I had a blast looking at everything, it’s like walking into a museum. Artist William Carlisle will be pleased to see his drawing of an alien, Bigfoot and a ghost placed into this book. You will get information on Richard Hoglund’s visit to an underground base with giants, hermaphrodites and dwarves. Is there a connection with demons and UFOs? Find out here in this book! Get more info on when the Palestinian police investigated an alien kidnapping attempt. Tim R. Swartz talks about the Kera UFO Incident and how a beam of light shot out at a 13 year old boy when he confronted a UFO. Learn about 14 year old Hiroshi Mori and the tiny UFO he held in his hand and guess what? He felt movement inside. Tim R. Swartz did a wonderful job in putting this baby together. Tim R. Swartz had an incredible legacy, appearing on Ancient Aliens, visiting the Great Pyramid in Egypt and the Great Wall in China. Tim R. Swartz’s Big Book of Incredible Encounters receives a standing ovation, it can’t get any better than this….well, until both Tims come out with a new book! Let me tell you a few more things that you will find in this book. Did you know Rob Zombie saw a UFO? There is a beautiful photo of Sherry Steiger receiving healing rays from a possible vortex at Sedona, Arizona. And when you think you know everything about aliens, you will learn about the Squirrel People and the Owl People (aliens). Damn! I love this book!
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help