It’s because the demon that haunts Marcus keeps coming back over and over again. There are times, where it is gone for a while, then as soon as Marcus thinks his life is becoming normal, the demon returns with a vengeance. Marcus can’t take it anymore and needs help. Marcus stays up all night and researches the various local ghost hunting groups and decides to take his chances with Halo Paranormal Investigations. Now here is Marcus story below.

Date to be there: April 4, 2020, Saturday. Time to be there: 6pm. Contact Person: Marcus / Case # 7K07R624G95Y07. Address to be at: xxxxx 23rd Street, Sacramento, CA. Here is Marcus email in regard to the activity at his home. Marcus writes: “Demon, spirit, yes definitely paranormal lived it all my life since I can remember I thought maybe I forget about be near me would go away I prayed and went 2 church stopped for a while but i know its back and definitely stronger. I also have like these spikes of energy running through my body and triggers my hair 2 stand up that’s when i know and sense its presence around looking while me and my girlfriend sleep so things got little rougher ever since I moved here 2 Sacramento so yes i now stay in Sacramento so definitely will appreciate all the help u can provide even with the cleansing and honest always sleeping the most hard part is at night 2 weeks ago my girlfriend and her son when it really made its presence known, this extreme cold came 2 the room and i can hear like growling in ways my girlfriend wouldn’t be able 2 hear and see or feel until I allowed a little of it to show but that ill explain the rest in person and what i know of the beyond the most think I’m crazy or doubt my word when I know i lived it thanks Paul for responding back I did everything I could possibly do to figure why things always happened to me and now I figured it out evil the devil and the righteousness of our lord Jesus the son and God the father lord finally answered my prayer so yes i believe in paranormal and always watched and believed on the beyond and my message from our God and through Jesus the son gave my answer and my purpose of being here in earth so I will also like explore what I now seek and continue my purpose through protection in father and son Jesus 2 shield me and help others through the same I went through that most don’t and are 2 blind see truth Amen and thank u again so yes a cleansing and paranormal investigation.”
Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium / HPI Co-Owner; Josh Coyle – Equipment Specialist-Operator/ Technician Consultant; Angela Chessnutt – Anomalous Photographer; Peter Wisham – Observer. Occupants: Yali & Marcus Perez.
Check out the videos above this article and get Marcus full story in regard to a demonic attachment. Marcus seems to have acquired an attachment since he was a little boy. Marcus is a great guy, but this demonic attachment is trying to send him down a terrible path and Marcus wants this attachment to leave, to be GONE! Marcus was worried that we would not find any evidence, but we found all kinds of evidence and I really don’t know where to start. Well, let me start from the beginning. We conducted 2 investigative sessions and had one debriefing. We investigated the backyard and Deanna did a walk through of the house and backyard. In the backyard, she picked up on witchcraft that was associated with a family member and Yali confirmed this to be true. Deanna picked up on a 30 year old female spirit and she picked up on negative energy surrounding Marcus. We captured many EVPs. Josh captured EVPs that said “I’m right here” and growling noises. I captured EVPs in the back bedrooms and in the garage and you can hear the EVPs on Deanna’s live video. Josh started sweating profusely, he was having a spiritual attack and at the same time Angela had a spiritual attack. Angela felt something kick her in the stomach. Josh and Angela both had to step out into the garage. The demon that is attached to Marcus attacks him in his mind and tells him evil things. Marcus tried to ignore it, but it has only gotten worse. Josh was receiving all kinds of spikes and one major spike he captured in the garage, I was able to obtain a “quick and dirty” EVP at the time things were spiking. Josh was armed tonight with his paranormal PUCK; Electrascope, EMF Reader, digital recorder and other ghost hunting equipment. Tonight I only utilized my digital recorder, digital camera and night vision goggles. Angela was recording all kinds of orb activity and some of the orbs seemed to have intelligent movement. Angela captured a very bright yellow orb. When I took the group shot, an orb was on the pants of Marcus. Usually when I take a group shot, I will tell the entity or entities to make their presence known by being in the group shot and many times I will capture an orb or orbs in the group shot. The entity or entities can harness the energy from the group and be seen in the group shot. I call this the GROUP SHOT GHOSTLY PHOTO BOMB.

Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of the home. I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing. Deanna and I prayed over the warm bath water and sprinkled holy water into the tub. We were preparing for the family’s baptism. The first one I baptized was Yali, then I baptized Marcus. They received a full submersion baptism to get rid of any attachments. Then Yali brought in her young son and I instructed Yali on when to submerge her son into the water. Josh was filming the baptism and caught an orb shooting into the sky and it’s point of origin was from Yali’s son and bathtub water. While Deanna and I, blessed the tub water, Josh was receiving high spikes on his EMF Reader and the spikes were centered on me and Deanna. I believe it was the angels that we called upon to assist us with the baptism. The angels were causing the high spikes. The angels were giving us the power to baptize.
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help