Date to be there: August 10, 2019, Saturday / Time to be there: 1500 Hours. Address to be at: Placerville, CA. Contact Person: Audra Straling. Audra moved into this beautiful home 1 year and 1 month ago. She was told that the house was haunted before moving in. It was Audra’s older sister that says…”you have ghosts in your house!” Audra has heard knocks, strange noises, pounding on the walls, disembodied footsteps. Some toys have activated, one toy had a dead battery, but still came to life. Doors open on their own and the garage door once slammed shut. Audra has felt presences in the house. One presence she has felt is a male presence. This male presence she felt, was lurking about the house. Audra could feel its energy.

Pelenta when pulling up to the house heard footsteps behind her and she had actually said…”sorry, I walk slow”, thinking it was a real person behind her. Pelenta turned around and there was no one there. Pelenta also saw a dark shadow walking across the lawn, a lawn that has a fox hole in the middle of the lawn. In that fox hole is a real fox. I kid you not. I love foxes, but did not encounter this elusive critter. 11 months ago, Audra’s neighbor died and she wonders if he is one of the spirits in the house. Pelenta’s arm was touched during the initial briefing.
There are many ghost tours of Placerville, because of the sordid history of this town. In fact at one time HPI used to conduct ghost tours of Placerville, this lasted 4 years for HPI. Here is a little bit of history: “After the discovery of gold at Sutter’s Mill in nearby Coloma, California, by James W. Marshall in 1848 sparked the California Gold Rush, the small town now known as Placerville was known as Dry Diggin’s after the manner in which the miners moved cartloads of dry soil to run water to separate the gold from the soil. Later in 1849, the town earned its most common historical name, “Hangtown”, because of the numerous hangings that had occurred there.” Note: Deanna saw a hanged man in the garage, a vision of sorts.

We had two 40 minute investigations with a debriefing after each investigative session. We explored all of the rooms in this house, outside and the garage. Deanna picked up on an old woman walking around the house. Deanna described the old woman to Audra and come to find out, it was Audra’s grandmother, grandmother Waters. Pelenta’s ghost box picked up on the name Waters several times. Deanna also saw a little boy in the hallway watching us. Deanna says he looks to be about 13 years old and wearing a black baseball cap and sweatpants. Audra says that she was told that a little boy does indeed haunt the house. Deanna picked up on Native American energy outside. We captured several EVPs confirming that this house is truly haunted. We captured an EVP in the garage of Audra’s deceased brother Tony. Deanna picked up on Audra’s brother in the garage and asked me to do an EVP session. Some of the EVPs we captured were unintelligible voices and one clear voice of a male says “she knows”. You can hear the EVPs in the videos above.
I call this a Casper Haunting, because in reality, all of the entities in this home are harmless. We determined that Audra’s brother Tony is haunting this home and her grandmother Waters is haunting this home. As for the little boy, we do not know where this little boy is from. Xandean captured a moving designer orb in his night vision goggles. Randall also captured some orb activity in his photographs. Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing with Randall filming and Pelenta holding a candle. I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing and Audra says that everything now feels great! Thank you Audra for the strawberries, peaches, chips and dip!
“Today I had HPI over for a paranormal investigation. There were so many things confirmed the biggest one being that my late brother and uncle (most likely fighting over bologna in the 5th dimension) are present, as well as grandma agua who I always knew would be and is watching out for her great grandson. If you have any need for such investigations check out Sacramento Paranormal Help, I am such a puss when it comes to “ghosts” and didn’t want to disturb anything but I’m super glad I did. They ended with a beautiful house blessing and prayer! Super calm and the house is chill.”
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson & Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detectives
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help