The following information below is from my journals from the 1980s.
Cryptid: Bukit Timah Monkey Man of Singapore. Artist: Thomas Ahearn. The cryptid was seen holding a glowing ball.

SOME HISTORY OF THE BUKIT TIMAH MONKEY MAN:This cryptid is known to inhabit the Bukit Timah region of Singapore. It is known to be a forest dwelling hominid or primate. Legend has it that the creature is immortal. Sightings of this creature is rare. A lot of the accounts were documented by Japanese soldiers in World War II and other unconfirmed reports by local citizens. Descriptions of the creature is that it is grayish in color, 3 to 6 feet tall and is bipedal.
In 1984, my brother Joseph “Joe” Anthony Soyo went to Singapore and Malaysia on vacation. Many of my family members have it in their blood, to travel internationally and see the world, including myself. Whenever one of my relatives went on vacation and headed to a certain destination, I would make sure to ask them to talk with the locals and obtain information for me, that centers on the paranormal. Knowing that Joe was heading to Singapore, I asked him to look into the cryptid known as the Bukit Timah Monkey Man. Joe loved the night life in Singapore and he asked several locals about this cryptid and was unsuccessful in obtaining any information. On his last day he talked with a automotive mechanic named Marcus Goh. Marcus says that he is very familiar with the Bukit Timah Monkey Man, because he and his friend actually encountered the creature in the Bukit Timah forest region while hunting for foxes, squirrels and pigeons. The year was 1978. As they were trekking into the forest, they heard some rustling of branches and leaves. Thinking that they may have come into contact with a family of foxes, they headed towards the rustling noise.
Marcus and his friend froze in their tracks as they saw a glowing blue light appear from where the rustling noise was coming from. Marcus says that everything seemed to move in slow motion. Marcus says he could barely move and was not able to hold up his bow and arrow. Then all of a sudden from behind a tree a small 3 foot hominid creature popped out. The creature was grayish in color and it’s face sort of resembled a human. The real odd thing was that the creature was holding up a glowing ball that was emitting a blue light. The sighting lasted for about 2 minutes. During those two minutes Marcus and his friend felt like they were frozen in place. When the light stopped glowing, there was only the tree. The hominid had also vanished. Marcus and his friend were so scared they ran off as quickly as possible. Marcus told Joe that he never went back to the Bukit Timah region again. His friend has actually given up hunting. Marcus says that this was the scariest moment in his life and it will always be ingrained in his mind.

Parallel Forest Blue Monkey Man
My uncle George Roberts, who is not a world traveler, had his own encounter with a monkey man that was similar to the Bukit Timah Monkey Man. George was an avid hunter and fisherman. He lived with my grandmother Sophie Roberts in Lehigh, Oklahoma. On one particular day in 1946, George and his friend went hunting in the Parallel Forest in Oklahoma. The Parallel Forest is known to be haunted. There are so many stories about the Parallel Forest. People claim that they see ghosts without any heads, that they hear footsteps in the woods and there is no one there, that they get touched while hiking in the woods, etc. Also, there is rumor that there is a Satanic altar at a rock formation in these woods. George says that the Wichita Mountains is a haven for wildlife and has beautiful waterfalls and the terrain is perfect for hunting or hiking. The one place that people should not venture to is the Parallel Forest. George says that this is where his friend claimed to have seen the Parallel Forest Blue Monkey Man.
George relayed to me that the Parallel Forest was actually a government experiment in dealing with the dust bowl. There are over 20,000 red cedars that were planted 6 feet apart in each direction by the government. George says that when hunting in this forest, it was creepy. George was separated from his friend and they were about 60 feet apart as they scoured the woods for game. George heard his friend yelling and screaming…”George, get over here now!!” When George got to the area where his friend was, his friend looked like he saw a ghost. George asked him to calm down and tell him what happened. George’s friend made claim that he saw a small 4 foot hominid with bluish fur. The hominid had a human like face. The hominid and George’s friend had a 2 second stare down and the creature ran off so quickly, it seemed to vanish into thin air. George did not see the hominid, but he believes his friend, because his demeanor was that of a person who was terrified.
I can only wonder if the creature that George’s friend saw is related to the Bukit Timah Monkey Man of Singapore?
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help