Because of the popularity of jewelry, it is natural to assume that there would be many specialized versions of it’s category. Even for containing the jewelry- or even for spirits themselves. Jewelry is made to be ornamental, so therefore can dress up your body and spirit as well. In fact, anything with ornate details can be regarded as jewelry itself, as anything divine is usually crafted with gold, silver and copper metals and the most beautiful gemstones one could hope to find.
Below, I have compiled a short list of modern objects fastened to our culture’s myths in the western world today. These items have derived from long ago and are the most sacred forms of new age belief and philosophy that exist today and they must be mentioned and treated with grace because of the fragile nature of their metamorphosis. Jewelry has a very important power over us and it’s important to understand and take hold of it instead of disregarding the true magic of Earth, which it holds.
By all means, I am sure we can blend the spirit world with many different elements in our fashion, design, technology and more, to serve higher purpose and form, but the truth is still undiscovered when it comes to everything that exists in the spiritual realms. Please take a good look at these objects and remember their blessing and energy next time you come across them as they will speak to our heritage and resonance of a nonphysical existence on another plane- to which we can one day travel together.

Chests are deeply regarded in history as safe places to guard what we hold precious, not only as individuals, but as a whole society as well. For example, the Ark of the Covenant, built by the Israelites is an ornate chest which was commanded to be built by their God, in order to establish a sentimental place & feeling for us to leave our own sins and burdens behind. One would imagine laying them out before God, as the vast space inhibited between both worlds, separated by the most holy and precious objects, stones, gems and metals available, which would span the distance and ages in between (like a bridge in time) metaphorically to reach him.
Probably the most common reason for the use of boxes in all forms was for storage and safe keeping. Anything with four sides and a lid can become a box, for a chest- it should be hinged. Chests are most typically made of wood, but special exceptions are made for religious ceremonies, anniversary celebrations and more. A chest is to be filled with spiritual energy and in turn it would be transformed into a blessing that would be bestowed in the future as an act of karma and decision, sent through the divide. The most delicate finishing and design were meant for the purest and lightest of requests, while those built thick and sturdy were made to carry only Earthly holdings, such as foods, weapons and other stock.

Pet Collars
Pet collars have been used since at least the receptions of the Egyptian pharaohs, dating back to at least the reigning of Ancient Mesopotamia, thousands of years ago in the BCE eras. The collars are worn around the animal’s neck and were used for many purposes. One such reason was to keep one’s dog (or other pet) safe and close. Although, generally they would be made of typical jewelry material and temporarily connected to a leash by a clip or other such attachment. Spikes and points were also gradually introduced into European cultures- in order to ward away dangerous wild predators of the area- such as wolves.
In fact, most pet collars are made for protection- even nowadays, where they are fashioned to ward away parasites, being lost (by engraving information) and to light up at night. Collars change in design depending on their purpose. They can be made of almost anything solid and malleable. Because dog’s were considered to be the spiritual guardians of the household- they are often depicted in ancient art walking alongside of Inanna- the legendary goddess of love and war in the original folklore, wearing leashes and collars.
Jewelry Casket
Any box in which the dead are buried is a coffin, and while a casket was originally regarded as a box used for jewelry, the word “casket” in this formulation, began as a euphemism introduced by the undertaker’s trade. A casket or jewelry box, by definition- is a container that is usually smaller than a chest, and in the past were typically extravagantly decorated to represent abundance and subconscious formulation of expression of our unaddressed mortality.
The association with the dead is another example of the unyielding favoritism for acquiring jewelry which will last for centuries and most likely eternity, if the energy is interwoven correctly. One can collect pieces of time within these objects and they will hold value throughout Earth and the Heavens- maybe even the whole universe as well. The jewelry will remain with us through lifetimes and may come back to you, in essence or dream if treated properly.

A sigil is known as a seal, sign or symbol which can ward away evil and curses. It can also be invoked in order to bring the magician the spiritual energy they request, information and authority, in order to heal and renew their spirits. It has become common to inscribe these sigils on pieces of stones, jewelry and anywhere you can imagine really to guide unwavering destruction departed from us before we knew what we did.
They hold a lot of spiritual power which one can access when they are in need of a boost of positivity and love. In regards to being used as a seal, they can also contain extreme chaos- by preventing the acceptance of negative attachment, restless spirits and even demons themselves- as the power of belief is known to be the strongest ability to have to overcome anything as it strengthens our faith and desire, leading us to gradually focus and connect with the other world in love and passion.
Sigils have been found dating far back to these times as well, with numerous gods and goddesses, such as Ishtar- Queen of Heaven, who is often shown with a lion in front of her, wearing a collar for divine protection and her honor. Lions in this sense represent her mightiness and they were both regarded as royal heros, companions who would detest the impure and fallible nature of mankind. If only for the ability to be tamed by the God’s themselves in acts of high intelligence, noble fate and cleverness to carry out their plans and lay the foundations of a moving, living kingdom. (Originally- she was known in other places as Inanna).
Prayer Box Necklace

Prayer box necklaces are like id tags for the God’s. They contain religious information for communication and spiritual programming. You can access other realms, worlds and portals with them as you pray- which will summon up the spirits who relay the messages back and forth between the worlds of logic, solitude and unreasonable requests of the supernatural, outside the gates of our worlds. For assistance, one can typically beg to be noticed by the God’s, but there is no such guarantee and so most are made with substances to invoke the presence of the immortals, where one lacks the righteousness and recognition to attract them themselves.
A Tibetian Gau necklace is an example of one of these pendants, which is also known as an amulet, meant to guard the wearer from others and contains polished stones and corals for godly reception. You can contain your guardian spirit in one, as the voice of your heart and mind. They can bring powerful visions and premonitions, especially when immersed in water and allow us to transport from where we are to impossible places on our spiritual journies and path’s, where we let our true purpose and being unfold with vulnerability and praise of beauty in an indulgent restoration and reception of heart.
5 Out of the Ordinary Jewelry Objects
In fact, putting emotion into jewels, rare objects and out of the ordinary seems to be the basis for gathering luck and warding off death in all it’s dooming choices as we rise above our moralities with the help of the hands of the God’s- our ancestors and the dead. Our folklore carries on through legacies of people and name ships- which reintroduce the practical cosmic ideas which we have already inside of us and mirror the reflection of our creators intentions as well.
One can trap their hopes and desires in here and will that they purify us. From beyond ourselves to the eternal existence of life most incredible acts of love transcends limitless possibilities & dimensions made to be released from the abyss of the depths of tragic human circumstances and doom. Spirit’s love boxes and can easily fold to the circumferences of our divinity- through space and time in order to manipulate our memory for the greater good and empower us, so that we are not attacked for our weakness and made to fall apart at the sight of unwavering corruption and that the objects are also a reminder of the solid structure of everything.
In conclusion, these 5 out of the ordinary objects are uncommon devices which are at our disposal today. We can ask for the assistance of our ancestors, bodies of movement and the holy divine. Because the God’s and angels are made of the most holy light of God- they cannot refuse in their purity to comfort the sick and dying- this being in an ethereal sense and the way it impacts us for generations, lifetimes to come and the pain it may forever mark us with is reason. It is lifted up by the enlightenment in spirit of ourselves and how we effect those around us, who are like pillars of height and direction to enforce matter for which God can stand upon with us.
The objects we use to ascend and leave this world to travel onto higher realms of consciousness span the horizon of possibility and are brought back around again, until the cycle eventually overflows within and outside of us like a full moon- breaking light into extraordinary fractions and reasons, sharing this state of being to all- in forgiveness, repentance, realization and release. Also, knowing that each time, we go through difficulties with one another, we reach away from our highest selves and instinctively go to the chaos from where it has came in fear- (which we regret) until it reaches the direct location of force itself, flooding over what we had done which broke us down so that God had to release our burdens from us and turn them like a wheel, into nothing again and we could find peace in our salvation.
The End.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help