The evilest stones in the world are thought to hold dark power and attract unlucky moments to whoever is nearby. Well known curses have been placed using precious stones and metals throughout history. One who controls these items, could in essence use them as weapons- as weapons are frequently made of the same material.s. (Where we capture our dreams and desires and wait for them to transform with karmic choice and judgement.)
Below, I am going to outline my top 12 choices for the unluckiest stones, which can in turn create a magnetism to portals in hell itself. I am going to call them the 12 Stones of Hell to mimic the clock, the 12th hour is thought to be the darkest and so forth until a new day begins in clarity.
12 also represents the subconscious world of dreams and desires- which are withheld and can be suddenly drawn from someone easily, with the help of dark inspiration. Dark inspiration can be found through music, magic, fashion and more.
The Stones:
1. Jade-
Jade represents good luck and can be found throughout many different cultures and places throughout the world. At first glance, it may seem like a good sign, but where the wheel of fortune turns, it falls as well.

2. Flint-
Flint opens portals, starts fires and can be found in the wilderness- where one wishes to survive, even to this day. Flint is not the prettiest stone either, but it is quite powerful.
3. Black Diamond-
Diamonds are thought to represent love in all their colors, with clear being the most popular choice- specially to represent true love. However, black diamonds are at the opposite end of the spectrum and represent a dark love and beauty, which is nontraditional and dramatic.
4. Tangerine Quartz-
Quartz is a very hard stone. When it crystallizes, it will change colors depending upon the conditions of the environment, and how many minerals are nearby. Those with large deposits of iron, are generally darker. Tangerine crystals contain hematite, which is a widespread metal- however it is dangerous. Not only is it cheap, but to someone who has allergies to cheap metals- it can poison your bloodstream easily- simply by touching. Treat it like fire and avoid, unless you are aware of any metal allergies you have.
5. Rubies-
Rubies are a very deep red colored jewel. They have been worn by royalty and elite figures throughout history. They are oftentimes linked to blood by artists- because of the beautiful coloring and richness of light and beauty that they project into the atmosphere. To make your way to hell- one may have to be part of a bloody sacrifice, so therefore this selection is great.
6. Emeralds-
Emeralds are a less common alternative to diamonds for celebrations and proposals in love. Green represents the auric heart- which we strive to satisfy and heal. For those with evil hearts- it will also heal theirs too.

7. Tourmaline-
Tourmaline is a crystal which is said to transmute negative energy in the air and purify it, in turn protecting everyone and causing peace. Tourmaline was frequently misidentified as emerald or other forms of crystals and so can be related to the energy of misunderstanding, chaos etc- which can easily cause disharmony as well.
8. Glass-
It gets so hot in certain parts of hell- from the fires of transformation- that many curious wonders exist- such as the translucent beauty of glass. It can be man-made or natural and is used in our everyday lives- creating portals through windows, mirrors, computers, screens and much more- even in our automobiles.
(Even in a clock, or watch itself).
9. Moonstone-
The people of the night represent the moon. Moonstone is an opaque crystallized jewel, which cast rainbows and its color is affected by the lighting and weather in the surrounding environment. The moon is our subconscious, secret and dream world- which not many know whom are in the mortal worlds.
10. Black Onyx-
Onyx can be found in many different color variations, but to represent the tenth hour- I choose the black variety. Symbolically, it is thought to bring strength so that one can emotionally and physically overcome any obstacles- but, ultimately can be used by anyone as well.
11. Lapis Lazuli-
In the highest levels of hell- one has come to know themselves so completely that they become more enlightened. This brings us to the dark blue hour, tinted by moonlight, water and time. With wisdom, comes great sacrifice- so to wear this stone, represents overcoming trials and tribulations with positive energy and faith.
12. Aquamarine-
Because the water is thought to represent the underworld, our 12th level of hell is laid with crystallized aquamarine stones. It is the stone of eternal youth and true happiness. So, to posses this stone will bring you good luck, if you are emotionally pure of heart- it will amplify when surrounded by all these other stones as well.

12 Stones of Hell
These are my selection of stones to open up portals to Hell in your heart, mind and soul- understand them and then overcome with strength, courage and purity. You can meditate on their energy- even by reading this article, I hope they could transform your unhealed parts into beauty.
For every tear you cry, is like a spiritual cleansing of your heart, soul and mind and you will be enlightened and protected through wisdom, strength and glory. Because we know that the more love and beauty you pour into the material of the Earth, the more the positive energy multiplies and helps us heal and mend up our past differences and opinions.
You can use any stones you feel as well, to open your own portals in your heart and mind because they are only like physical representations of an unknown energy, which we wish to express, but might not already feel. But, by thinking and knowing there is an ancient positive and physical energy which exists, we can transmute our desires for destruction into creation instead and ascend in the light and all it’s reflections multiplied. Infinitely.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help