Silver Moon Flower
Ivy bullet
Choking me with your
Duty power
Beyond what’s next
I can worship nature
From any place
Where I dwell
While we leave our
old skins behind and
Bloom in the race
To the light
Of mankind

Werewolf Graveyard
Werewolves are known to have a taste for human flesh, especially the deceased. A graveyard appears to be the best sanctuary for chowing down in peace. How hungry exactly does a werewolf get? Well, considering the calories it would take for a full transformation and hard athletic regimen, I’m guessing that they crave a lot of oily fuel and fat.
To be human in any other capacity, raises the emotional intelligence bar, so perhaps the creature seeks its redemption and gratitude, just as we all do. The darkness at a church at night, would be blinding, as they refuse to use artificial lamps, opting instead for a living presence to fill the room.
Maybe it is an attack against those who share one soul, one sense of wholeness, while a wolf looks to its pack mates for strength and acceptance. So, to harm one may be to harm the whole. Maybe they devour those who have not a soul in them, we may never know.
Werewolf Church
Close by the graveyard is the church, where we must roam in order to see past the present. A sanctuary for the weak and a theater grounds for religious reenactments. As we take notice past the graveyard, we see a large stained-glass image with a full flowering moon on the outside.
The door is red, which is known to ward off ghosts. We take a seat at one of the pews on the inside together, you and I. Everything is wooden here. We can hear the howling of werewolves outside and so we decide to lock the door and try to sleep. This is my dream:
May 20, 2019
A huge white metal fence surrounds a large piece of land. There is barbed wire on the top with pieces of clothing and thread all about. The moon is low and there is a deep silence all about us.
I go in through the front gate with an ID card, like you have at certain jobs when you check into the place. The gates open and red lights start going off nearby on a guard’s tower.
I walk past beautiful lawns, a cemetery, a church, a water fountain on a stone path, lit by yellow solar lights in the shape of round spheres. I see a fast shadow dart with the corner of my right eye and move fast.
I am wearing red and black plaid shirt with long sleeves and black skinny jeans and boots to my knee. As soon as I get to the entrance of what looks like a hospital, I use my card and doctors in white coats quickly pull me inside.
They tell me that my room has changed. So, they guide me to a secured room with white flooring and walls and one big window over an office door, looking into the hospital hallway.
I look all over the room and I have books, a mirror, a few collectibles and clothes. My dresser is in the middle of the floor. It is small and light pink, lots of trinkets and jewelry fall out.
I am startled as I see a huge brown werewolf run by the hallway and he is still in his blue jeans. To the right of mine, is another room and I can hear strange thumps and bumps coming from here.
I think the werewolf that got loose ate the security person by the door because they all suddenly unlocked. I wait behind my door until I hear more run out. I go explore the neighbor’s rooms and they look like belongings a man would have.
One loose werewolf comes up from behind me and I sneak out to the side, wait till it passes and then follows where it is going! We get out of the hallway to exit doors and I see a pool to the side where a werewolf is trying to give a human-like werewolf life, but he is crushing his bones like he is trying to start his heart and yelling “Sticks and stones may break my bones,” and also “five, six better pick up sticks.”
I go backwards and then a doctor comes and quickly locks me back in my room. There, all the werewolves return the next day and then I start to transform. The first thought in my head is thinking about the morgue.

Werewolf Cemetery
Upon waking, we watch the sunlight stream in through the glass and decide it is now OK to go. We look carefully as we are leaving the church outside and we feel safe. Across the street, we see a morgue, so we go over there.
We cross a road, watching for passing traffic. There is a sign outside the door, etched in stone. It says the hours of the place, which we are in time for. We enter.
We are hungry for truth.
A shadow darts by. He throws us a coin. It is silver. The coin has the image of a she wolf and two people underneath. The explanation is that it’s a didrachm, from 266 BC. It would bring us luck, should we stick around or find us in the company of werewolves again.
I could use it to buy myself something to eat, I thought. Or maybe I had already been bitten, as the more I think about it, the stronger the obsession grows. Maybe soon I would be eating corpses. Time to go.
Werewolf Graveyard
The sanctuary we find in life is really like a tomb for our death. A special place with which we feel bonded and secured. Here is our church, a symbol of resurrection, which sits atop the ground and below the sky, in many dimensions.
If Heaven were to be reached from a specific point in our minds, some feel it come close by in these premises, while others can feel the death that has come and gone and will come again. This werewolf graveyard is a turning point from Heaven to Hell and back.
May you never find yourself in the presence of werewolves, should you desire to live long. You may think of the boredom of your existence and yearn for the energy of the dark, to entertain you. If you meet a werewolf here, at least he won’t be eating you, but perhaps you will begin to turn before you even realize what happened and get lost with the mist and moon.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Cryptozoologist
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help
Email: [email protected]