A reservation on Playa Moin at the province of Limon has been raided by six armed men, taking a total of 1,520 Leatherback Sea Turtle eggs.
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President Laura Chinchilla has been peddling a Costa Rican image of innocence towards the drug trade.
According to Population Reference Bureau, Costa Rica has one of the lowest infant mortality in Latin America.
Guillermo Cholele, a trade attaché at the Costa Rican Embassy in the capital Caracas, has been freed by his captors in Venezuela
Costa Rica has several of the greatest blue water fishing found anywhere in the world and draws serious anglers from far and wide,
Costa Ricans are a naturally jovial people and it reflects in their various annual festivals. They love to celebrate their culture and heritage,
Costa Rica has an abundant number of Volcanoes within its territories and several of which are renowned hot spots as tourist destinations.
Are you looking for a place to retire to then you should check out Costa Rica.