Every bit of energy from the world recycles over again into something else. Energy never dies it only transforms, so there is power in every single thing that we do. The places where it comes from are phenomenal! Even something so simple as a thought you think can expand into a much larger space.
If you want to see the pieces of you that are missing, then we do what we do to record fragments of ourselves from our mirrors (cell phones, recording devices) into the sky, through signals and electric formations of data. The whole process is a transformation of energy into existence.
The definition of a message according to the online dictionary is this;
a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.
Therefore, this means that we can actually write letters to the sky in our words that we type onto the screens we are using and they will be delivered to the points of fragmented interpretation in the receiving ends of others, as they are sent outwards into predestined locations.

This just means that everything we type could in fact be picked up by an alien signal somewhere designed to catch our information like a magnet. They could use filters as simple as we use, like hashtags or key words.
The Visions
When I dream, I am receiving information from different locations all throughout my body. If I am hurting than I will dream of the pain. It will take shape in order for my body to contact me. This is the same way that I am receiving psychic messages- through symbols and trigger words.
Here is the most recent lucid vision that I had;
Monday, November 4th 2019
A Giant Bat
Lying in bed my dream takes place exactly where I am. I can see a large bat that is flying around the top of my ceiling. He is black with a brown tummy and is going all over the place.
As soon as I realize what it is, I become scared for a moment because it flies against the wall and knocks itself out and falls right on top of my head while I am sleeping. It seems like there is a silver cord coming from it too.

I saw this in a lucid dream and it woke me up because it was so vivid that I thought there was really a bat inside of my house. Of course, there is no bat in the room when I look.
If you read my dream journal, you can find a lot of different supernatural dreams.
Now external and internal are working together in order to alert me to changes in my psychic field that could affect me negatively. That is after all the ultimate primal intention of all our bodies- survival. It was coming from me of course, as the silver thread symbolizes how connected we are.
I do also have a wish box with a bat on it and I realized after I wrote this that I got in Salem, Massachusetts and I have put one wish inside of it. It could also be connected to that information as well. Something about the message is still alive, waiting to metamorphosis.
Bats are creatures that live inside of caves. Caves are dark and mysterious places where mankind no longer belongs, but has evolved from. These beings’ surface from the darkest regions of space and time into eternity through waves somewhere.
Light travels as a wave. But unlike sound waves or water waves, it does not need any matter or material to carry its energy along. This means that light can travel through a vacuum—a completely airless space. … It speeds through the vacuum of space at 186,400 miles (300,000 km) per second according to the online encyclopedia.
Also, we know that darkness travels at the speed of light. More accurately, darkness does not exist by itself as a unique physical entity, but as the absence of light. Any time you move the light away you get darkness instead.
We are looking into what is behind that! When we move both aside then we get another sky filled with different types of polarizing events. Some of these bleeds through from our souls as they carry karmic energy and extraterrestrial coding. That’s why people who are believed to be part extraterrestrial have good knowledge and access to records of memories that no one else seems to have.
Letters to the Sky
All the ways that aliens & angels try to contact us are sent on waves, almost like putting a message in a bottle and dropping it off at one point of the ocean, knowing where it is coming from only to let our hope guide it somewhere it’s meant to be and we think it will go. Imagine being able to break down emotional energy in a scientific way where we could decode the languages of our astral bodies and completely understand it.
Anyways, just know that every action you take is important in advancing our civilization into a realm of incredible possibilities. Whatever direction you send a letter, even in the form of a simple prayer, know that it is being heard by someone who was always fated to know. Your wishes and your desires conduct themselves naturally on the path to a goal.
So, remember that everything you are, you will also become as you continue to wish, so to you are moving forward into a heavenly afterlife where we will continue to go on where the universe wants us to be and where we belong too. You are great and amazing and I know you are also the writer of your own story and star song…
so be it.
Psychically, if you begin thinking in a certain perspective than you will begin to notice patterns in the energetic coding of time. One of the best ways to do this is by repeating mantras to yourself, finding a religion, spiritual path, numerology, astrology etc. Basically, whatever you seek you will find the answer to as we all know we were cast out of Heaven for partaking of the tree of knowledge and it’s fruits for ourselves when it had only been destined for the gods.
Of course, everything has a purpose, if not now than later. My mind is turned onto my higher self’s frequencies, love, luck and beauty. So, I am going to be manifesting and noticing these signs in the universe specifically. You can call it whatever you like, but the truth is that what we think is our reality.
The other day I was contemplating stars while on the highway. There was a black star balloon just hovering there in the road, even though the cars were going so fast and Sacramento is very windy! It was so shocking and happened so fast that I couldn’t get a picture, but I redrew the balloon for this purpose.
My friend Xandean has been sending my paranormal team intelligent acting balloons for several years now, but only now have they been contacting me this way. I know my dreams have been harder to remember lately, so I think that may be why. There is always a shift happening in the universe.
The next day, again in the car there was another balloon. It creeped me out as well as it just hovered there with no apparent cause to not move despite the air currents circulating and the string was not tied to anything, but looking like an invisible hand was holding it up. As soon as the car began to move it suddenly followed the vehicle and I recorded some of this on Sacramento Paranormal Help’s Facebook Page. Check the dates and search the posts.
I was saying this is aliens over again and then two hours later I checked my Facebook and my friend Audra had a balloon mysteriously fall down in front of her of a green alien. She felt their presence as well when this occurred. This is synchronicity, validation and acknowledgement from a higher power that we are indeed of the spirit, which defies the common understandings of the mortal brain.
If we want the answers to unlock our immortality, than we must listen to the voice of the world that travels on the wavelength of light and love. Never mind the disconnection that our planet forcefully pushes on us in acts of survival, because it means that it’s time to connect and share our love together for all things extraterrestrial if we really want to welcome them here!
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help