Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner and Psychic Medium was all prepared for the Wheatland, CA investigation and then a text comes in. Ms. Carter, the client has canceled the paranormal investigation and cleansing. The depression episodes that she is experiencing is so severe, that she may be headed for a mental health institution for a period of one month. Her text message to me is that she is so sad all the time. Here is the initial report I received about this investigation below:
Canceled: Paranormal Investigation – The Initial Report
Date to be there: April 18, 2020, Saturday. Time to be there: 7pm / Contact Person: Britta Ny Carter – Case # R91B6889Y9803. Address to be at: 50500 McDevitt Drive, Wheatland, CA //Activity: Deanna did a reading for Brittany and was spot on according to Brittany. Here is what is going on. She is always depressed, she sees shadows in the corner, heard growling noises, entity was cuddling with her, she felt something on her feet, she has become paranoid, she has alternate reality dreams.

I have dealt with many cases in which I had to face off with a Depression Demon. This type of demon could either be an ethereal reality or a mental illness, or both. Let’s see what depression on the mental level is all about.
“A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.
Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological, and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain. The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms.”
From what Ms. Carter tells me, she may have a mental illness and also be haunted by an entity. Special Note: Demons look for 3 types of weaknesses. The first weakness is dependency on alcohol. The second weakness is dependency on narcotics. The final weakness is any type of mental health issue. These are the weak links in the fence and a demon will target an individual that has one of these weaknesses or an individual that may have 2 of these weaknesses or even all of them. The mission of a demon is to have an individual become self destructive or destructive to others. I believe Ms. Carter has a mental disorder. The mental disorder that consumes her is “depression”. She is constantly sad. While Ms. Carter is in this state of mind, an entity has now come into her life to give her further torment.
In a situation like this, Ms. Carter should first seek professional help, in which she is doing by committing herself to a mental institution. When Ms. Carter’s mental issues have been rectified and if she is still being harassed by an entity, that is when HPI comes in. Ms. Carter is doing the right thing by seeking professional help first. For now……case closed.

Adonis the Demon
Before I go, I will give you an example of an HPI case that occurred in 2007. The date was 6/2/2007. Location: Fresno, CA. A lady that I will simply call Julia contacted HPI. Julia admitted to me that she has a drinking problem and had 3 DUIs. She tells me that on one particular night she went to the local bar and met a man that has the brightest and sharpest blue eyes that she has ever seen. She tells me that he had ravishing long blonde hair and perfect teeth. His physique was compared to Adonis. In fact Julia calls this man “Adonis”. Julia says that Adonis told her everything she wanted to hear, he was a smooth talker. Julia on that night took Adonis home and they made passionate love. Julia says that during her making love session with Adonis, she kept blacking out here and there, because of her heavy drinking that night. When she would snap out of it, Adonis had gray wrinkled skin, a row of sharp fanged teeth, eyes that were black and sunken, raggedy matty hair. She thought this was her imagination, but it scared her so much, she screamed while Adonis was on top of her.
Special Note from Paul: Demons can appear any way they like, they can appear as a good looking person to seduce you, or they can appear as a monster, animal, etc. Demons can shape shift to whatever appearance they want to be.

In the morning when she woke, Adonis was gone, but she found 3 large scratch marks that ran from her neck to her groin area. Julia for the life of her, could not figure out what happened. Two days later, the voice of Adonis was heard throughout the house, but Adonis was no where to be seen. Adonis was telling her to kill herself. He would say this over and over again. On one night she found herself in her bathtub filled with warm water, her wrists slit and blood mixing with the bath water. Fortunately, Julia did not slice her wrists in such a way, that she would fully bleed out. She survived. I had Julia contact a pastor to receive a full submersion baptism (a basic form of exorcism) because I felt that Adonis was attached to her. I also had Julia join AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) and seek professional help. She did all of this and she survived this horrible ordeal, but now lives a sober life and works as a secretary for a local law firm.
By Paul Dale Roberts, Demonologist
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help