Date to be there: May 2, 2020 Saturday. Time to be there 6pm. Contact Person: Sherry. Case # 9K16P412U2755. Activity: Haunted by Buddy the Ghost; footsteps heard, orbs seen. They have security camera footage of a full body apparition walking up the stairs. Address to be at: xx Patricia Way, Roseville, CA They have lived in this haunted home since 2015. Security footage – ghost caught on tape:
HPI PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS ROLL CALL:Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner – Psychic Medium; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Josh Coyle – Equipment Specialist; Julie Ewens; Rob Kirby; Sally Agosta; Giovanni Paccini; Alaceo ‘Big Al” Rosatano.
OCCUPANTS:Sherry Ingargiola; Aaliyah Balderas (Friend); Kiandra Beatty.

INVESTIGATION:On this night, I broke it up into two teams. Team Shark consisted of: Julie Ewens – Lead Investigator; Sally Agosta and Aaliyan Balderas. Team Paraforce consisted of Josh Coyle – Lead Investigator; Giovanni Paccini; Rob Kirby and Kiandra Beatty. Floaters were Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Paul Dale Roberts and Alaceo ‘Big Al’ Rosatano. We had 3 investigative sessions in which one team was working the 2nd floor and attic, the other team worked the 1st floor, front yard and back yard. The last investigative session consisted of a free for all in which the investigators could go anywhere they wanted to investigate, including investigating by themselves. This home was very beautiful and the family with 3 dogs was a very loving family, you would not think that this place would be haunted, but it is! I could not believe all of the evidence that we obtained. Below is a listing of everything that happened to us.

1. Josh and Aaliyah both got scratched. On their arms they had 3 scratch marks – a disrespect for the Trinity.
2. Rob captured a face in the window in one photo and the very next photo, there is no face in the window. The face is very distinct.3. Big Al, Deanna and I, investigated the front of the house and Deanna saw a blue orb with her eyes and Big Al takes a photo of her and there is a ghostly opossum on top of her head in the photo. Later Deanna picks up on a small ghostly horse and we get an EVP of a horse whinny sound.4. We get 3 EVPs by 3 different investigators in which the entity identifies himself as “Harold” (not Buddy).5. We feel hot spots and we feel cold spots in the bedrooms.6. We capture a Class A EVP in which the male entity says to Kiandra and Aaliyah “you so bad”.7. Josh felt something tapping her shoulder in the bedroom. I felt something tapping my shoulder outside in front of the house. Deanna felt something caressing her face and Kiandra felt something caressing her face.8. One of the investigators captures what looks like an energy parasite floating out from the bedroom wall.9. We capture numerous EVPs throughout the house and outside in the front yard. Some of the EVPs are full on sentences.10. When we capture the EVPs, it appears that the entities were following Kiandra and Aaliyah.
11. EMF spikes were captured on Aaliyah’s arm where she got scratched.12. Josh has equipment that will play music when something is in front of it. This equipment started playing music when possibly an entity was walking past it. The equipment went off a few times and no one was near this equipment.13. Josh’s static indicator showed signs of static electricity in areas of the bedroom.14. Sally used the night vision goggles and saw a shadow anomaly near the kitchen.

THE CLEANSING:Kiandra and Aaliyah may have an attachment, so to be on the safe side, I gave them both a full submersion baptism in the bathtub, afterwards they both felt protected, but feel the same as before the baptism. Deanna counseled both of them after the baptism. Deanna then proceeded with her metaphysical home cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing with Kiandra and Aaliyah. After everything was said and done Deanna did some palm reading tonight with Kiandra, Aaliyah, Sally and Julie. Deanna left Sherry a cleansing care package. Thank you Sherry for providing sodas, coffee, tea for the investigators. We arrived at this home at 6pm and finished by midnight, it was a long investigation, but it was packed with paranormal evidence. Very amazing night.
THE REVEAL:We never found Buddy the Ghost, but we sure did find Harold the Ghost. Harold the Ghost may just be the ghost known as “Buddy”. I hope that the baptisms and cleansing will bring peace and harmony to this family. This family is precious and loving and they only deserve the best.
By Paul Dale Roberts, Demonologist
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help